Subject: Bowl Of Light 🪔

Hey Friend,

Just about to hit the hay but wanted to send you a cool little story before I drift off to la la land.

Tonight, I gathered my family around and told them a story about a song my friend Amy told me about.

It's an ancient Hawaiian creation myth about something called Bowl Of Light. 🪔

As the story goes, each of us is born with a bowl of light inside us, and the purpose of our lives, is to grow that light.

Each time we do something negative, like hurt someone, or steal something, etc. a little stone is place in our bowl.

The stone fills space in the bowl and leaves us with less light, and also give us a heavier load to carry.

The good news in the story though, is that at any time we choose, we can turn the bowl over and dump out the stones, and start fresh.

I love this story and want my boys to recognize the bowl of light they have inside, and strive to grow it without the weight of stones.

Trevor Hall is an artist who made a beautiful song about this story and on this page, you can hear him tell the story of the song and listen to the music if you like.

I hope it lights your path, like it has mine.

To more freedom and light in the world,

