Subject: Are you in a home business cult Friend?

Hey what's up Friend, hope you're having a great day today!

Yes, strange question, I know however - if you decide to start a business from home and stay in the game long enough, eventually you'll probably hear that question from someone.

People will say all kinds of things and every once in a while they'll ask you or someone you're working with...

"Is this a cult?"

What a fun question!

Seriously, though I do think it's fun to think about things like this. In fact on my social media profile yesterday I asked my friends,

"How would you define a 'cult'?"

I share some of their answers in today's video and while it is interesting to hear what people think, more importantly, I think this is really valuable information to have for a couple of reasons.

First, if someone asks you or one of your team members this question, it's important to have a good response.

Sure the right answer might help you resolve a prospect's concern and help them see that what you're selling could be a door to their better future...

But just as important, your answer could be a make or break in belief with the team member who runs into this question.

At the end of the day, though, the most important reason to know this stuff in my opinion, is so you can continue to associate with groups that are good for you, and avoid those that are not.

Groups and communities seem to be a necessary part of life and business.

So if we can know which groups will be good for us and avoid those that won't, I think our life journey can be much more enjoyable and successful.

Hope this video sheds some insight on this forbidden subject for you. :-)

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day!
