Subject: A secret lesson that holds people and incomes together...

Hey Friend,

Hope things are happy, healthy, wealthy and wise in your world today.

I got home from our Freedom Fest event last night around 8 PM Idaho time.

My wife had taken our son Kyson to basketball practice so after hugging 3 of my boys, I hopped in the shower & drove to town to drop off my rental car, hoping to squeeze in a couple minutes to make a video for you...

My friend Gregory and I challenged each other to go on a 30 day video challenge and I didn't want to break my streak as yesterday was day 2 of my challenge, SOOOO - I got it done, barely.

This video contains, what I believe to be the REAL secret to building an income that stays and pays FAR off into the future.

You see Friend, it's one thing to make a sale and earn a commission and a whole other thing entirely, to make a sale that continues to pay and provide prosperity for you, your family and your future for many, many years to come.

There's one simple secret that seems to make ALL the difference and I reveal it here in this video.

Before you watch it though, I want to tell you that I learned something GROUNDBREAKING at this event.

A simple, simple, simple way for people to generate traffic, leads and sales that ANYONE can do...

In addition, this is a strategy that will NEVER be saturated.

Right before I sat down to write this email, I tested it for the FIRST TIME EVER, and the video I made...

The simple, simple video went straight to the very top of YouTube, immediately after I finished the video.

We are implementing this strategy and teaching it live in our daily T & C masterminds inside The Home Business Academy and I'd LOVE to invite you to join in on this new and exciting adventure with us.

If you're game Friend, all you need to do is fill out this form right here, and join for the $25 and be sure to check the box for the 2 week free trial to premium.  

Then, login to our members area and follow this little map I made for you to find the replay from today...

I'll be there to help you on the other side and feel free to message me if it's not super easy to find this and I'll be happy to send you a direct link to the training.

The only requirements we have for people who join our community is that they are honest, ethical, willing to learn and work, and want to build freedom in a principle centered way.

If that's you Friend, this could be the most valuable email you've ever recieved.

That's it for now Friend.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, ALWAYS go for your dreams!


This is a picture of Amy, and she was recognized at our event for helping to provide 5,000 days of meals to kids in need via our business model WHILE building a heart-centered income that allows her to live out her dreams.

She was so thankful she actually said this...

"You guys have no idea how much this means to me. This is all I've ever wanted was to be able to make a difference like this in the world and so to have something to remind me that that's what I get to do is so meaninful."

And guess what Friend, Amy will be there to help you on the other side, right along with my business partner Mike, myself and a WHOLE community of Heart Centered, loving, giving, serving Freedom Crusaders who are INTENT on making this world a FREE-ER and better place for us all.

This is the link to join if you're feeling the vibe of our tribe calling to you.