Subject: 7 Steps For A Magical Morning (Reminder: 12 hours left)

Hey Friend,

Wanted to send you a list of 7 things that help me start each of my days in the best of ways.

So good, in fact, that this practice sometimes feels magical and has compounded over the years into helping me to create the freedom and flexibility in my work life that I always dreamed of.

To be clear, my life isn't perfect - and I have my share of problems. Anyone who says that money or success will turn you into some fair tale character with no issues or challenges - is, in fact, reading YOU the fairy tale.

That being said, money and freedom and growth can go a long way in helping to create more fairy tale moments, magical moments, filling the sky of life with more glistening stars.

Anyway, here's the list.

Grattitude as Gratitude is the path to instant riches.

Stretch/ exercise, because feeling well, helps you to perform well.

Pray / Meditate, because as my friend Brett likes to say, the spiritual path is a better choice than the psycho path. ;-)

Vision / Goals, because direction, we are lost, and the journey of life seems better with a map to guide us.

Affirmations, the mind must be conditioned by self, or it will be conditioned by outer forces. Trees and flowers or weeds? If we want the former we must be responsible gardners.

Read, the more we know, the better we communicate. The better we communicate our knowledge and ideas, the more likely people are to want to join us for the journey. Reading is how we go from knowing less - to knowing more.

Create, because that's what we're here to do. :-) Also, because on the internet, we follow creators. Authors, speakers, youtubers, newsletter writers, podcasters. If we want to lead others, in positive ways, and in ever increasing numbers - we MUST step into creator mode, and continue to evolve our ability to as creators.

So that's the list Friend, It's sure been helpful to me over the years, and still is today.

I cover more these in a bit more detail inside The Magical Morning Video Training bonus I mentioned yesterdays' emails.

If you decide to take me up on my offer, and fill out this form and join today for $25, you'll get this as an one of the 'extra mile' bonus gifts, from my heart to yours.

There's a good chance you'll treasure it up as a true gift.

All the best,



PS - Here's a live overview we did of our business model a couple weeks ago.

Let me know if you have any questions. Again, this is available until midnight tonight, Sunday the 26th, of March 2023.