Subject: 7 Hard Truths About Financial Freedom

Hey Friend,

Hope you had a great weekend.

If you're a mom I hope your mothers day was awesome and amazing! 3 of my boys and I took Corene to dinner on Saturday night to celebrate.

It was a lot of fun and hopefully helped Corene feel appreciated as the great mom she is.

I know from my perspective, Mom's don't get the credit they deserve.

One thought I had yesterday as I was thinking about my wife Corene and our Kids is that kids are often not the best at showing moms how valuable and appreciated they truly are.

As a mom, or a dad or any other type of person, I think it's a good rule of thumb to always remember that the things people say about us or to us are often poor reflectors of the value we really bring to the world.

On my journey to freedom, I often struggled with my sense of self worth and felt emotional highs when people were saying nice things to me and about me and emotional lows when the opposite sometimes happened.

Eventually I realized that I am the only one who knows myself completely and thoroughly and so I would always be the most accurate judge of the value I bring to the world.

This is not to say that we shouldn't value and appreciate how others view us, but it is a reminder that their perspective will always be shortsighted and limited and we should never allow others to define us.

How the heck did "Happy Mothers' day" turn into that!?

ha ha.. I don't know but it did.

Ok, onto the real point of today's email...

As you may know, I am so thankful to be able to say that a few years ago I achieved a coveted goal of mine and that is to be completely financially free.

This was a goal I remember just starting to dream about way back when I was living in a trailerhouse and working a cubicle job, earning a low hourly wage.

It seemed like such a huge goal and so far away at the time, but - it came to pass and now I find myself in a space of wanting to share with others the ideas that made the biggest difference for me.

So Friend, If you're not quite financially free yet, maybe this list of 7 Hard Truths About Financial Freedom, can be of some value to you.

Here we go...

1. You’re never gonna get there spending as much or more than you earn. Cut them out! (Expenses that is)

2. No, you don’t deserve to have everything you want right now. The way you deserve what you want is by postponing the desire, until you can afford it.

3. Affording something does not mean you can make the monthly payment. It means you can pay cash for it.

4. Effort and skill are essential ingredients and you won’t get very far without them.

5. Consumer debt and interest payments are your evil enemies when it comes to building freedom. You must learn to see them as the super villains they really are.

6. For the most part, financial institutions are not your friend. They care more about their best “interest” than they do about yours. Do not trust them for good financial advice.

7. Yes, Robert Kiyosaki was right, your house is NOT an asset. It will cost you, in hard numbers, way more money than it will make you (usually).

The good news is, freedom IS possible because you can learn new things, think new thoughts and make important changes in life and business.

Looking back over my journey I definitely don’t feel like it was rocket science. It seems to me that I just did a few simple things and stayed persistent and over time, things worked out.

I believe you can do it too!

I sincerely hope the content I send you can help you get there a little faster and maybe even a little easier.

This is why I helped to co-found this awesome and amazing wealth model a few years back (you may wanna check it out if you haven't done so yet).

Regardless, I want to be of service to you so if you have specific questions for me please hit the link down below and send them my way and I promise to do my best to help.

Hope you make it an amazing Monday!

All the best,


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PS: Oh, one more thing I have to share with you, (If you're not tired of my Mother's day stuff yet) is something that truly touched my heart yesterday morning.

I woke up, went out to the kitchen table and saw 3 cards with flowers, candy and a little handwritten note on each of them.

They had been written by my 12 year old son Kashton. The notes were for his mom, and his 2 grandmas.

Take a peek..

"Pieces of my heart are with you."

"I hope you don't have a "junior" sized day but a mega sized day of fun."

"A 'Cluster' of my heart is with you."

This one came with a little box of "nerds" candy. :-)

Kashton had completed a lawn mowing job the day before, earned his own money and went and bought and prepared these gifts all on his own.

Here's a pic of my mom and Kashton when she saw what he had done...

Last night I told Kashton I was SOOO proud of him and encouraged him to keep up the great work.

One thing I've said from time to time is that...

"Life is the question and love is the answer."

This was a great example from one of my kids.

Thanks for letting me share and I hope it warmed your heart a bit today Friend. :-)