Subject: 6 Inspiring Quotes For Home Business Entrepreneurs

Quick one today Friend,

Just wanted to pass along 6 thought provoking quotes I picked up in my morning studies today.

I figured, If I like them, maybe you'll like them too.

Here we go...

  1. You were born to win but the will to win is nothing without the will to prepare.

  2. There's no profit on the sale we almost make.

  3. Don't be a callous individual who plays the numbers game with lives.

  4. You may not need to be told but the true professional doesn't mind being reminded.

  5. A rut is nothing but a grave with the ends kicked out.

  6. A rising tide lifts all shifts, but you must have your boat in the water. 

The first 5 are from Zig Ziglar and the last one is a combination of Peter Tinsley & Nevada Howard.

Shout out to my friend Minister Kristian, who shared the last one on today's Grow Rich Mastermind Call.

Anyway, I did go live to share these quotes, and ended up riffing on them a bit. Riffing or rambling... I guess you'll have to be the judge. :-)

You can catch that replay here if you want Friend.

Wishing you all the best today.

Stay hungry, stay inspired.


PS:  This last Saturday we did a public overview of our entire online business model. So far we've paid out over 5 million in commissions and helped to provide over 295,000 days of meals to kids in need with what we do.

If you're curious to see if any of our products can help you with your marketing OR want to see if our heart-centered business model can help you grow a lasting residual income, you can be proud of, I'd love to invite you to be my guest and watch the replay here.