Subject: 5 Hidden Sales Secrets, Black Friday Be Damned!

Hey Friend,

Before I give you what could be the most life changing Black Friday Gift you've ever been given (at no cost to you), a quick story.

The last couple years we would do a Black Friday product discount for our company because that's what everyone else was doing and, sure enough, it did create sales.

Then, a guy named Nick helped us to see the difference between a transactional based business and a loyalty based business.

Transactional based businesses are those where customers are here today and gone tomorrow and discounts and special deals work great for getting people in the door for those types of businesses.

Loyalty based businesses are one's where you're looking for long term customers and partners.

Raving fans, champions, supporters and crusaders who believe in what you're doing so much so, that's it's much more about the mission, and the why behind what you do than terms of the purchase.

For those types of customers, special deals and fear based promotions can feel cheap and gimmicky.

So we changed.

It just so happens that Nick, who helped us see this a year ago, is still with us today (loyalty) and this is proof positive of this great lesson he helped us to learn.

This is why today, I say 'Black Friday Be Damned' and instead, want to give you something that can be FAR more valuable to you, your family and your future.

This is a reaction video I just published called 5 Hidden Sales Secrets From A Master Marketer.

It was private update video meant for insider eyes only, but got leaked, so I decided to go ahead and do a reaction video for it - and highlight a few powerful hidden lessons that can be used to create more success in any home based business.

The guy in this video is a MASTER marketer. Last year I saw him build a sales system from scratch that brought in around 60,000 members in a relatively short about of time and that's the TRUTH.

If you watch this video you can have a sneak peek into our next big move to help people build freedom as fast as possible, and at the same time, pick up some BIG sales and marketing insights that you can use to build any business you're building in a stronger, faster, better way.

Here are some of the lessons you can find in this video...

- 1 overlooked strategy, that builds excitement and cultivates more ready buyers for what you're selling…

- How to cast a wider net, serve more people, make more sales, and increase retention in any continuity based home business…

- A simple language hack that prevents fracturing your audience so you can serve more and sell more…

- 3 critical pillars to building a right now freedom based business

- The biggest hidden pitfalls in 2 of the prevailing home business models currently available online…

You can watch it here, now and if you do, building a life of freedom can be much easier, faster and better than you ever thought possible.

To our freedom,
