Subject: 4 Tips For An Impactful Message

Happy Saturday Friend,

So yesterday I did a thing. A thing I was a bit nervous to do but ended up doing anyway.

I was invited to share a few thoughts at the Ribbon Cutting of our new School.

There would be an audience gathered with a wide variety of people including, the local mayor, parents, teachers, the news, state government officials, including a representative from one of our congressmen.

I've never done anything like this before, but accepted the invitation because I believe it's important for us to step out in faith and do things that make us stretch.

(This is especially true if we care about building a better future and world to live in).

Anyway, I did it and afterward, had great feedback from the mayor, a local county commissioner, teachers and others.

I'm so thankful that my remarks were well recieved and that hopefully, they made a small investment into our better futures.

I wanted to pass along 4 things I was thinking about as I prepared for this moment that may be helpful in structuring messages for your business. (AKA - Content creation) :-)

  1. Audience

  2. Humor

  3. Story

  4. Metaphor

  5. Inspiration

Great communication always begins and ends with your audience.

Who are they, what do they want, what do they care about?

Once you have some idea of who your words will be reaching, the next step is to structure your message with story and metaphors in mind.

If you listen to my remarks, you'll notice that I just told a couple stories about my experience as a parent and as a board member.

You'll also notice that I use a metaphor to describe the moment in time we were all gathered together to celebrate.

If you just remember audience, story and metaphor, you'll be so far ahead with any communication you put together.

Humor is important because laughter is the shortest distance between 2 people.

It helps to build fast connection and a feeling of relatedness.

Our jokes may not always land, but it's important that we try, and that's all we can do.

As far as the inspiration part, if you can scatter quotes or ideas that inspire you - you'll find that others can be inspired by those same things.

Additionally, casting a vision for a better, brighter future - is always a great way to share some inspiration with others because we all want to know that we have better things waiting for us in our futures.

So that's it Friend,

  1. Audience

  2. Humor

  3. Story

  4. Metaphor

  5. Inspiration

These tips served me well yesterday and have helped me a ton over my years in home business.

Thanks for reading and make it an awesome day!


PS - People seem to be liking the recent shorts I've been making where I'm doing my best to distill small pieces of ancient personal development wisdom into bite size chunks. I shared a couple with a cousin and he sent me this last night.

You can watch all 4 from start to finish in under 4 minutes here on the shorts page of my channel. The one with the candle light is the first one.