Subject: 4 Killer Tips To Convert More Leads With Your Website...

Hey Friend,

A couple of my dear friends created a brand new Christmas album that they want to give away to as many people as humanly possible.  

Their names are Kristian and Rita Joye and they founded a media company called never give up entertainment. 

Their music is divine and they have served me and our community with incredible music for many years now and I really wanted to help them with their project. 

So myself and a few other members of our marketing community put our heads together to help them come up with a funnel that should convert a lot more leads and get their music into more hands and hearts throughout the world. 

I figured I may as well make this new video sharing the 4 proven tips we used to help turn their site into a love filled lead generation machine.

Hope it you find these tips valuable & make sure & watch to the end to learn how you can get this New Christmas album for FREE! :-)

Merry Christmas Friend,

Paul Hutchings

Phone: 208-557-8009


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