Subject: 2 Simple Keys for Unlocking More Influential Language...

Hey Friend,

Yesterday I was out Christmas shopping with the family, (I'm a glutton for punishment - I know) ;-)

Just kidding... I really do enjoying spending time with my family but ya, with 6 people in a car, 4 of them being young males, I have to admit, it does occasionally get a little nutz.

Anyway, we had just finished shopping at one of the stores and I hear this sound from the back of the car that sounded a bit like a wounded bear yell out...


I laughed a little inside, and then took the opportunity to ask my boys a question...

Boys, if you wanted food, and you had 3 options for using your words to present your request...

Option one being something like "Hey is anyone else about ready to eat? Mom, dad, is there any way we can take a break and go get some food before our next shopping stop, please?" (said in the most kind, pleasing and thoughtful of ways)


Option 2 - "I'm GONNA DIE of starvation! We need to eat now!"

Which one do you think would work better in helping you to get what you wanted?

They all knew the answer.

I then said... "Boys, your ability to use your words will play a MASSIVE role in determining whether or not you're able to obtain what you want from life."

I sure hope they got the lesson Friend.

Anyway, in today's edition of the Grow Rich Mastermind I shared 2 big principles that can help us learn to use our words in much more powerful and influential ways.

(you can also listen by dialing 712-432-0990 Access 565762#)

Hope you find it valuable on your journey as you continue to create even more freedom for yourself and others.

All the best Friend!

Paul Hutchings

PS - This is a pic of Christmas shopping with the fam… Kyson & Kashton (my 2 youngest) couldn't seem to get along so I got in the back of the suburban to sit in the middle. “If you can’t beat ‘em’ join em’ right Friend? ;-)

PPS - Check out this cool voicemail we got from Jessica at Feed My Starving Children this week.