Subject: The life-giving force

Dear friend,

We have been experiencing rainy weather this week. As we all know, rainy weather is often associated with negative moods and emotions. People often refer to rainy weather as "bad" or preparing for a “rainy day.” In fact, many scientific studies show that people in regions with lots of rainy weather are more likely to battle with depression. There are biological factors at play, as sunlight provides vitamin D and other physiological benefits.

However, as with many challenges, we can take a different perspective on rain, which is also a life-giving force.

Without rain there would be no growth. At Five Talents we serve people who live in communities across the world where rain is absolutely essential for their livelihoods. Without it, agriculture couldn’t thrive, and many would suffer. So today, I am grateful for the rain. It makes my commute less pleasant, but it allows someone across the world to feed their family.

Until next week,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle