Subject: Positive Leaders Inspire Positive Results (Story)

In this week's Open the Meeting newsletter we focus on putting the positive into your leadership. The following is a true story taken from my new book, "Do You Care to Lead?" Also included in this weeks newsletter is a great story you can share with your team on how their attitude is reflected either positively or negatively to others. 

Positive Leaders Inspire Positive Results

In 2008 the US was in the midst of a really bad recession, second only to the Great Depression of the 1930s. I will never forget an experience I had while consulting with one particular highly dysfunctional senior leadership team.

We were discussing some of the morale issues their staff members were having when one of the senior leaders said, “I don’t think morale and motivating people really matters these days. Given the way things are people should just be lucky they have a job.”

After picking my jaw up off the floor, I boldly responded, “You better think it matters because when this thing turns around (talking about the failed economy at the time), guess where your employees will be going: right out that door to your competitor!” It does matter, and it matters a lot.
Great leaders’ value and inspire those they lead through creating positive places of work. If they fail to value and inspire, those they lead will find other opportunities, and any good that has been built will go with them. 
The low morale in this company had less to do with the economy and much more to do with leaders like this. Negativity breeds negativity and anything less than a positive place to work will ensure people are regularly looking for another place to work. What positive energy are you bringing to your team and organization? Your influence as a Care to Lead Leader matters.
Are you a Positive Leader? Great Story: 5 Rewards of Positive Leaders!
There is great power in positive thinking and having a positive attitude as a leader. Give me a positive leader, and I will show you a positive team and organization. What you reflect is usually what you will get as the following story demonstrates.

There was a place in a remote village far, far away called “The Palace of 1,000 Mirrors.”

A happy and energetic little puppy who lived in this village had heard of the palace and decided to pay a visit.

When he arrived, he playfully bounced up the steep stairs to the open door of the house. He looked through the door with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging very fast. He was surprised because... Read More
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Great teams are a product of great teammates. Seems so simply... but what you are you doing to make it happen?
Want Michael to share these concepts with your team, organization and/or leadership? Call him at 888-310-3338 or email at and discover how his keynotes and workshops can dramatically improve your team and/or leadership.
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