Subject: They're Doing What!?

Well Friend,

If you missed the GRAND opening
of the ML.M Launch Formula Coaching
program last week, and were kicking
yourself like a buffoon, you can stop
the self abuse at the moment.

I just got word from Jonathan Budd
that he has put the 6 HISTORIC
"ML.M Launch Formula" training
videos back up for you to see here...


... And he's decided to RE OPEN this
historic program only for a period
of 36 hours starting on Wednesday.

Apparently Jonathan is a little bit
of a "Softy" and cracked under the
pressure of his students whining,
pleading, and begging for another
chance to get inside this program.

Heck, I can't blame em. I'd probably
do the same thing.

But what this means is this is your
LAST CHANCE to watch these powerful
videos before he takes them off the
market COMPLETELY, and does not
bring them back out for another 6-12
months MINIMUM is what he told me.

Not only that, but after you watch
this special training series above
you'll realize how important it is
you do NOT miss your chance this
Wednesday when the "ML.M launch formula"
coaching program goes live again.

This is the first time in history anyone
has taught these principles to our
industry, and the advantages you can
have in business from using these
strategies is just STAGGERING.

This page will explain a lot more about
why you NEED to be doing this here...


For now, head over there and watch
these special training videos before
they come off the market again...

... And stay tuned for more information
coming from me tomorrow.

I want to make sure you're completely
informed this week and don't make the
sour mistake of missing your 'last chance'. :)

We'll speak more soon...

Yours In Success,
Dave D. Williamson

P.S. Jonathan has put ALL 6 of the
grand opening ML.M Launch Formula
videos BACK up on the blog.

These 6 videos literally ROCKED the
industry with how powerful, how
fresh, and how cutting edge they
are when he released them last week.

There's already been major success
stories that have come back in, JUST
from watching these 6 videos.

I'd get over there now to "catch up"
before the entire program becomes
available again this Wednesday...
