Subject: Do You Know About The Event That's Happening Friend?

Hi Friend,

I wanted to shoot this quick message off to you, as I
am truly excited about an event that is taking place.  

You remember the video I sent you a few days ago?


Well, I'm excited as COULD BE.

1st, entrepreneurial mindset and putting yourself
in the right frame of mind when trying to completely
transform your life is absolutely essential.  

It just makes no sense to me how
people think they could be successful
in life, without having FIRST developed
the "Internal Game" to overcome the
unavoidable challenges ANY entrepreneur
is going to face when growing a business.

It's those challenges that usually stop
most people dead in their tracks, and cause
them to give up on themselves rather
than charging through and finding solutions.

That hurts me A LOT.  And the solution
is for people to develop a true "Self Mastery"
that doesn't fall prey to difficult situations.

2nd, The new "Life Transformation Now"
coaching club has gone LIVE.

These are exciting times. Listen to what
Jonathan has done...

 ... He's put together a true LIFE transformation
coaching club that's dedicated to teaching
people the deepest possible wisdom, knowledge,
and skill sets required to experience profound
changes in your life & business.

If you don't know Jonathan's story, he's
been able to make almost $10,000,000 in
the last 4 years of building his businesses
on the Internet...

 ... And oh yea, he's only 26 years old.

He started his businesses literally on
his parent's kitchen table, as a completely
broke and "Skill less" kid.  

I can relate to his story, coming into this
industry with no prior experience, with only
the drive and ambition of knowing that I
would not fail and would never give up.  

Yet when you ask him HOW he was able
to overcome such terrible and challenging
odds, he'll tell you it had almost nothing
to do with "business knowledge or experience"...

 ... because he HAD NONE.  It had everything
to do with the "self knowledge" he had inside
about what the human spirit was capable of.

This knowledge created such a powerful belief,
he just KNEW, like I did, to never give up, and
it would happen.

Powerful stuff to say the least.  In any case,
the "Life Transformation Now" club is going
live today, and I think you should absolutely be in it.

I know I will, and will be soaking up the
knowledge that's going to be shared left
& right.  It's truly amazing stuff.

And here's something I'm sure you're
going to appreciate as well.  

This club is being created with the sole
purpose to affect and transform people's lives.  
So he decided to make the club LUDICROUSLY affordable.

It's going to be less than 20 bucks per
month to have access to the entire thing.

But I know this is only the introductory
price for the opening of the club, and it's
going to possibly double or triple within
the upcoming months.

So here's what you should do now.

#1: Click on the link below and go through the information...


#2: Get pumped up and take action! : )

There's seriously no downside to this, and
I know the teachings that you'll get in
"Life Transformation Now", literally on a
weekly basis, are going to be that constant
NUDGE you need always moving forward
in a positive, abundant, fulfilling direction.

I can't wait to see what this club is going to do
for so many peoples businesses and how it is
going to transform their lives. : )


 See you on the inside Friend.

Yours In Abundance,

Dave D. Williamson


Dave D. Williamson
