Subject: Still struggling with chronic fatigue or other chronic symptoms?

Still struggling with chronic fatigue or other chronic symptoms?

April 29th, 2015 at 4:10 pm BST

Book and Schedule Call › Are you still struggling with chronic fatigue or other chronic symptoms? Are you still experiencing chronic symptoms despite using approaches like FasterEFT or other techniques for some time? ...

Added PDF Transcript: Effective FasterEFT - how we make changes in the brain

February 5th, 2015 at 4:42 pm BST

Pdf Video Transcript added: Thank you again for participating in the Webinar group last year. I just wanted to let you know I created a pdf transcript of the main presentation and have added a link to it from your video page. I hope this will be es ...

Reduced price resource - How we make permanent changes

February 5th, 2015 at 2:54 pm BST

Buy Now £9.99 › "How to make changes in the brain" now for sale for only £9.99: Something we always wanted to know about how we make changes in the brain using tools like EFT and FasterEFT is explained by recent Neu ...