Subject: Why did you cut your links with FasterEFT


It has been some years since I’ve been involved with FasterEFT (FEFT and now also known as Eutaptics I believe), but every so often I receive emails from people who have either noticed my absence or seen my videos on the HealingMagic YouTube channel (that I have asked to be removed).

Recently I’ve had two further people contact me. One again telling me how encouraging my story is (from seeing one of these videos) and asking for more advice about how to best apply FEFT (it ‘wasn’t working for them’ but they felt it was the answer after watching my video). The other, received yesterday, said the following:

“I came across your website through FasterEFT. I would be interested to know why you cut your links with Faster EFT."

I thank people for their questions over the years and have usually responded privately where appropriate, but decided that as my videos are still in the public domain I must write a brief public statement. I also owe this to people who subscribed to this Blog when I was writing about FEFT and to the clients I worked with across the world over Skype using FEFT or elements of FEFT.

Please see the rest of my post on this here:

I will be moving on in this Blog to talk about "interesting behaviours" and anecdotes, particularly gained through my experiences in training and working as a Practitioner and from my experiences in academia and the Care Sector. I will also use it to publicise what I consider to be interesting training events and workshops every so often.

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