Subject: a BRILLIANT article

Living In The Upside Down

While every word she writes is "my story" of the past many years, my work is but a shadow of what Corey Lynn has done.

This is the most insightful, concise, and uplifting article imaginable, especially in her overview of the depths of deceit that has ensnared not just the USA, but the entire world.

Yet it is at the same time it is a truly uplifting reminder that "We all have incredible powers and gifts that were blessed upon us at birth. Powers most people can’t even comprehend. It is innate.

"The times we are in is not so much about the outward battle most believe it to be. It is the inward struggle that everyone must come to grips with."

And In Case You Missed It ......

Amazon has banished my books.

I do have a few left in stock on my website, for US sales only (even sending to Canada is super-expensive).

President Trump And The New World Order Now available again on Amazon

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Please be aware that I am nothing more than a reporter, for the most part reporting what other people say or do. I just happen to have a background in researching and writing about complex issues. I therefore do my best to write for "first timers" who, as I once was, want to learn more about current events. I also throw in my own thoughts from time to time, but I have no desire to be "right" - you are totally free to evaluate and draw your own conclusions.

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