Subject: Zelenko Protocol

And stocking stuffer dreamtime

Zelenko Protocol

Found this on GAB...have seen Dr Zelenko on various video interviews.

He used Hydroxychloroquine successfully on hundreds in his NY state practice - so then-Gov Cuomo mandated that it could not be used....while hundreds of old folk in NY homes were dying.

DR ZELENKO PROTOCOL (7 day covid treatment)

-Supportive care with fluids, fever control, and rest
-50 mg Zinc (1 a day)
-1000 mg Vitamin C (1 a day)
-5000 iu Vitamin D3 (1 a day)

-200 mg HydroxyChloroQuine (2x/day)
-250 mg Azithromycin (2x/day)
-100 mg Doxycycline (2x/day)
-100 mg Zinc (1 a day)
-1000 mg Vitamin C (1 a day)
-10,000 iu Vitamin D3 (1 a day)

  • if HCQ is unavailable use:
    -24 mg Ivermectin (1 a day)

  • if both HCQ and Ivermectin are unavailable use:
    -500 mg Quercetin (2x/day)

DR ZELENKO PREVENTATIVE (daily where covid is rising)

-25 mg Zinc (1 a day)
-5000 iu Vitamin D3 (1 a day)
-1000 mg Vitamin C (1 a day)
-500 mg Quercetin (1 a day)

  • if Quercetin is unavailable use:
    -400 mg Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) (1 a day)

-25 mg Zinc (1 a day)
-5000 iu Vitamin D3 (1 a day)
-200 mg Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) (1 a day/5 days)

  • if HCQ is unavailable use:
    500 mg Quercetin (2x/day)

More info on Dr Zelenkos website:

My Stocking Stuffer Dreamtime

I've done this before.

Many years ago I came across a book about how the mind can make things happen, so I went to sleep every night imagining myself driving a white 3.8 Jaguar with red leather upholstery.

I couple of months later an employee came by to get a check, and as he was leaving asked if I wanted to buy a car.

Sure, said I.

And there it was.. white 3.8 Jaguar, red leather upholstery, faster than a speeding bullet...'cept I forgot to imagine it having a great engine, and it eventually blew up.

A few years later I moved to the US, learned a lot more about the mind at RSE, and since our old Honda Accord just dropped a piston, and the backup vehicle pops out of first (it's an old stick shift S10, but at least we've got transport) I've started dreaming about a replacement.

We'll see how that goes:-

Happy Holidays folks.


Would be great to drive it to the Pike's Peak Hillclimb come summer.

My latest video - These "vaccines" (bioweapons) ARE working as intended - not by protecting, but by stealth, inducing sudden - or slow - disease onset and death.

 Includes a "buried" clip revealing NO STUDIES of aluminum nanoparticles and brain damage, plus chemtrails as dispersal vector.

Stealthily results in autism and learning issues in children, and dementia and Alzheimers in others.


The Perfect (Kovid) Xmas Carol

You'll Love This

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Who Trained These Dictators?

December 16 2021

Ignoring post-jab deaths and injuries NZ PM Ardern, secretly a graduate of a Globalist school, is really working for the Great Reset and NWO agenda.

This applies to many countries whose leaders are graduates of a little-known Klaus Schwab Academy.

They include Nicholas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, and New Zealand Prime Miniuster Jacinda Ardern.

Now Kiwis have had enough.

Thousands are waking up.

Amazon Strikes Again

Amazon - having banished two of my books about Q-anon - has now homed in on this one. 

It was making just a few dollars a mointh, but now they tell me I can not advertise "controversial" content!

So I expect them to also banish this book as well.

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