Subject: Update - Biden "Funeral March"

If the military does not act .....

Whose Funeral Is It?

Only two of these three guns fired the "salute" when Biden visited Arlington. Is that significant? This video is underscored with Chopin's funeral march. But ends on a positive note.

January 25 Update 01

Just Some Personal Thoughts About The Future

When nothing happened on Biden’s inauguration day in the way of arrests, as expected by so many, my disappointment was probably as great as anyone’s.

However, having learned some wisdom in my life, I understood that this emotional reaction, while natural enough, could do nothing to explain what happened – or in this case, didn’t happen. So I have spent a few days putting my thoughts together as objectively as I can.

To be honest with myself, I had to admit that allowing the boss of a crime family to ascend to the Oval Office seemed like far more than the crime of the century.

It also felt like “Q” and the White Hats had somehow failed to deliver on their promise to the millions who had been led to believe that the inauguration would be the real beginning of the end for the hundreds, if not thousands of warped and corrupt individuals, and their secret overlords, who have been planning the demise of America for decades. Not to mention their success so far in turning us into a worldwide slave compound.

The vast majority of us do not have inside sources, such as people close to the center of the action, where all the planning is done, options considered and strategies implemented.

Nevertheless, it would be fair to say that there are a few individuals who know more than we do, and what we have learned from them is that there most certainly is a war going on between the forces of Good, and the forces of Evil.

General Flynn has called this a cyber war – a war of information. But what does that mean?

To me, it seems logical to assume that on the one hand, information is being used by the Black Hats to continue controlling the minds of the masses, using the media as their propaganda outlet to keep the ignorant, ignorant.

On the other hand, the White Hats, including a team of military intelligence professionals, has spent years, even decades (at least since the murder of John F Kennedy) planning the undoing of the Cabal – the Black Hats and all their evil-minded control-freak power-hungry servants.

For many of us, the Internet postings by “Q” have been a starting point in our waking up to the fact that there is indeed a very unconventional war going on.

Another source of information that tens of thousands of people have embraced, is Simon Parkes in the UK. And there are indeed dozens, even scores of other information sources.

What they have in common, for the purposes of this writing, is that they all agree that there is a war going on right now.

Which brings me to this thoughtful feedback from one of this newsletter’s subscribers.

Some personal thoughts while listening to Simon's Update 01/21/21:

Things in war are fluid and sometimes unpredictable events happen.

A lot of people do not remember that during WWII, PATTON was deliberately given incorrect intel because the Allies knew that he was being monitored by the enemy.  Because of that, Patton moved troops and supplies to another place altogether.

Meanwhile, D-Day commenced its successful invasion at Normandy because the enemy was misled to another location. So here we all are, manning the internet and posting happily away with prospective realities for the removal of "the bad guys" in emails and social media, and videos.

Are we so naive to believe the baddies are not monitoring them as well and making counter moves to prevent them?

Wake up, folkies!

So things didn't go the way anyone thought it was going to go. That doesn't mean that this is all over in any way, shape or form. For all we know, we were all doing our parts exactly as we were intended to do.

Whatever else was involved, possibly, according to Simon, is technically irrelevant to all of us, other than the potential that a larger disaster was averted.

The objective/plan is still in place, so Hold The Line. Keep the faith. Pray.

PATIENCE, GRASSHOPPERS!! The best is yet to come! - “V” (for Victory).

This graphic came with that email.

Simon did say in that broadcast that “something went wrong” – according to one of his most trusted inside contacts.

Simon intimated that, perhaps, there had been a counter-move by the Cabal which could have seen something far worse than the 911 attack on the Twin Towers – a threat against the civilian population that might have seen the triggering of a briefcase-size “dirty bomb” – a small atomic bomb that could irradiate an entire city.

To be clear, both of those “possibles” are simply speculation – informed speculation perhaps, but the fact is that nothing happened by way of the expected mass arrests at the (fake) inauguration of an illegitimate “president” who only got there through the rigging of the election.

As a reminder, Q has always said we should be doing our own research, thereby building up our own information base by thinking for ourselves.

In that way, and through the sharing of that research on various Internet platforms over the past few years, what I now understand to have been a game-plan set in motion by the White Hats in military intelligence, has served a truly remarkable purpose. It triggered what has been called The Great Awakening.

If you are a new subscriber, and perhaps new to all this puzzling information, what comes next is something you should do some serious research of your own on; for which I will supply a starter link to an article that explains much.

Both the White Hats, and the Black Hats, have access to the most phenomenal computers you can imagine. Simon has said that the Good Guys have used a “superluminary” quantum computer that can see future potentials, and offer countermeasures depending on what the other side has planned.

Q posted this on November 11 2019.

In my own research at the time, I discovered this.

And for your own research about this “looking glass” I recommend an article by Dr Michael Salla; I met him at a conference 15 years ago, and he is one of the best writers on these subjects.

There is much more detail, and several explanatory videos, at this link. Having checked it myself, I strongly suggest you right click and choose "open in new window" because it is one of those sites that "they" do not want you to know about., therefore they "strongly suggest" that you should not go there. The right click option gets around that roadblock.

What Went Wrong?

In an effort to be rational rather than emotional, I have found myself asking, if these computers can see future timelines, and the White Hats had made decisions that would lead to mass arrests on inauguration day, what the hell went wrong?

Then I also asked myself, why did Q and whoever was part of that White Hat team broadcast their intent in so many ways and for so long, especially over the Internet, where it was picked up and amplified a million times over by us hopeful individuals?

It was not until “V” sent me the image of Sun Tzu saying “all war is based on deception,” that I heard the sound of a penny dropping. And spinning. Like the thoughts in my brain.

This may surprise you, but my brain, just like yours, is a quantum computer.

Let’s say that for some reason we’re thinking of moving out of the city. We “look at” the “future” and what it might entail, contemplate the various options and potentials, then we make a choice – a free-will choice which takes us down one “timeline” (to use Looking Glass terminology) rather than any of the others.

Why then did the White Hats’ super-computer fail to see the outcome of last January 20 – with Biden being installed in the White House, and the surrounding 25,000 troops having nothing to do except patrol empty streets?

Why then did the White Hats’ super-computer fail to see the outcome of last January 20 – with Biden being installed in the White House, and the surrounding 25,000 troops having nothing to do except patrol empty streets?

No arrests. No riots. No nothing.

Just President Trump leaving a note for Biden saying “Joe, you know I won.”

(I snagged this image as a freeze frame from a moving video and inserted the overlays myself. Unfortunately, I have lost the link).

Did you know that elements of the military were planning for decades to save America from the Globalists and their evil practices; they knew that Satanic rituals and child trafficking (and torture and murder) were part and parcel of the Deep State, and that America was doomed as a Republic if "they" took over.

The military contemplated a coup, but knew that would be totally counter-productive. It would not get to the root of the global problem, let alone do anything good for the country itself.

Therefore, at some point, they invited Donald Trump to join the battle, which he did – and then endured many years of total vilification, including a number of assassination attempts.

Many of the 75 million people who voted for Trump in November would have heard of him being likened to the “tip of the spear” in this battle against the forces of Evil.

It has seemed to be a most appropriate analogy. But then, the thought arises, now that he has been sidelined and the spear apparently blunted, if not completely shattered: who threw the spear? And why?

My answer?

The good guys in the military.

They convened with “The Donald” and he agreed to play his part. He became a warrior of truth, strengthened the military immeasurably, started no new wars, brought troops home, established a Space Force, took on the Globalists at the United Nations, and did everything he possibly could to bring peace to the Middle East.

More than that, he vowed to eradicate human trafficking, and used every possible lawful means to oust the Deep State’s minions from government departments. He and his team did all they could to legally overcome the rigging of the November election by using dozens of appeals to the courts – only to find the corruption runs so deep that the courts and then the House itself ignored all evidence of election rigging and voted Biden into office.

Trump left the building.

And we were left feeling crushed.

Or angry.

Or vengeful.

Or crying in our beer and blaming somebody, anybody, for this terrible turn of events.

We hear that a scaled-down military presence will remain in DC until sometime in March.

We hear that by then, the White Hats will again have turned the tables and Trump will be back in office. Either in March. Or possibly April.

We might be tempted to say, “Yeah. Right.”

Or we could ponder Sun Tzu, and ask whether the “failure” on inauguration day was really part of the plan?

See it as a rationalization if you wish, but since none of us is privy to the long-term planning these military patriots have been putting together for decades, using their super-computer to help them strategize the best possible outcome, it is not beyond the bounds of quantum possibilities that the inauguration day result is precisely what they intended.

How so? And why so?

In my view, there are psy-ops (psychological operations) that are used to sway public thinking in a certain direction – which is precisely what the mainstream media does with its endless barrage of anti-Trump articles.

But what if the Q posts were also a psy-op, but with a totally beneficial purpose in mind, the purpose being to awaken millions of people worldwide to the existence of the Cabal, and the need to take down the forces of evil?

If so, it worked spectacularly well. Up to a point.

That point being January 6 2021, and the swearing in of a China minion who would immediately start signing Executive Orders to undo much of what President Trump had achieved.

As a side note, it is really quite odd that the carpet Biden chose for his new-look Oval Office, as pictured by the Chicago Tribune ...

... looks exactly the same as the one that was used by the West Wing television series. Go figure. Who is play-acting now? (Just a thought).

And one of the pictures on Biden’s wall, which was also there in Obama’s time, looks very much like an American flag, in tatters.

Was It Really The Plan???

While it is, to say the least, an unpalatable thought, what if it was always the military’s plan to allow Biden to take office?

What if we were deliberately awakened through the use of the Q drops in order to confound the Black Hats, and to build so much support for President Trump that he would be re-elected in a landslide on Nov 3 2020.

\That would be preferred outcome Number One. Yet we know it did not happen.

So now the Globalists appear to have the upper hand. Under their rule, the Republic of the United States will eventually be dissolved and absorbed into the “Great Reset.”

BUT what if the Generals, the military, also saw this coming, perhaps even planned for this contingency – knowing that with Biden in office, an even greater percentage of the populace would Wake Up.

Would they thus be far more open to that plan involving the use of the emergency broadcast system and a takeover of the airwaves to show in detail exactly what the Cabal has been plotting, and who has been corrupted enough to help them?

As I said earlier, this could indeed look like a rationalization of events, but to an open-minded person, it could well be seen as a potential. Either way, you are free to accept, reject, or simply put it aside as a nonstarter. Which I certainly hope it is, since my preference would be to see the military take some sort of action and unseat Biden and his ilk in time to reinstate President Trump in March. Or April.

To me, at present, what I see playing out is something like a global sci-fi movie. And yet it is real. So real that I have no doubt that there are going to be some serious riots in American cities – and these could be used to justify complete city lock downs as Biden uses all his powers to force people to eventually accept the “solution” – integration into the New World Order.

Another potential scenario, according to my personal quantum computer, is a “hot war.” And I see that as involving very high-tech space-based weapons, rat her than the howitzers and tanks and troops used in the killing fields of past wars such as Vietnam, World War Two and World War One.

There may be some of that – but since the super powers all have extremely advanced technology, such as the Directed Energy Weapons that the US has in space, target annihilation is guaranteed.

This is what a DEW did to Nashville not so long ago. With one shot.

It was a White Hat (military) takedown of a Black Hat plot to destroy computer servers in the Nashville ITT building. The good guys were able to intervene, have locals evacuated, then destroy an RV that they had previously disarmed – apparently all as a reminder to the Black Hats that their plans were all known

If the Black Hats also have such weapons, it will be button pushers who fire on whatever cities and pre-selected targets might be chosen.

Will it come to that? All I can say, and I trust this is said wisely, “hope for the best but prepare for the worst.”

Wisdom From Experience

In my career as a reporter I was Johnny on the spot during a number of natural disasters. I saw planes overturned in storms, people drowned for lack of life jackets, buildings toppled by earthquakes, and children diving under desks as an earthquake hit the school that I was doing a live report from.

I have covered both peaceful and not so peaceful demonstrations, and I have seen first hand how politicians deliberately create such events in order to further their own hidden agenda.

That is precisely what the White Hats in America are fighting against now (and so much m ore on a global scale) and there are certainly those who say the military is in total control.

That may be good news to many. But where is the wisdom in relying on the military to ensure our personal safety?

I have also been a volunteer fireman and first aid assistant, as well as qualifying as a disaster responder in the FEMA program. (I still have the spiffy reflective green waistcoat thing).

But in that training, it was made clear that it could be days, even weeks, before we could get to certain areas of devastation. Which was why people were always encouraged to be prepared in every way possible.

Whatever the truth behind any of the scenarios I have thought of, will the military come to my place and protect me from a marauding mob? No.

Can the military guarantee that my city apartment or urban dwelling will not be hit by some bomb fired by the enemy – be it a conventional bomb, a DEW or perhaps even an EMP weapon that would take out the power grid completely, leaving me to fend for myself among thousands of others in the same state of basic survival?

Is this fear porn? Or just something to consider with a bit of common sense?

In Conclusion

Consider this.

If, as I am sure we all sincerely hope will be the case, Trump gets reinstalled in March (or April), do you think China is going to welcome that?

Or will China, which has a LOT of high tech weapons itself, suddenly declare war on the US?

If so, the US would obviously retaliate, and it could all be over in three days or less.

But at what cost to US cities and their inhabitants?

I personally cannot imagine China simply targeting military installations. Or the Black Hats with whatever high tech weapons they have underground, under the ocean, or in space.

Bottom line.

Is it time to evaluate one’s own personal circumstances, contemplate future potentials (just like those quantum computers do) and see what choices are available.

Options obviously include staying in place, but stocked up on essential survival items. Or, moving. Or some variation of the above, according to your personal circumstances.

But at some point, a decision must be made, not by some outside source, but by us, personally. Because we are personally responsible for our own future.

A parting thought.

Gathering information from here there and everywhere is one thing. But as I see it, this is not a spectator sport. It is not watch and eat popcorn time.

It is time for full personal situation awareness, and to make wise and responsible choices accordingly.


Michael Knight.

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Please be aware that I am nothing more than a reporter, for the most part reporting what other people say or do. I just happen to have a background in researching and writing about complex issues. I therefore do my best to write for "first timers" who, as I once was, want to learn more about current events. I also throw in my own thoughts from time to time, but I have no desire to be "right" - you are totally free to evaluate and draw your own conclusions.

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