Subject: Truth Behind The CV Lies - New Video

Next, Synthetic Monkeypox

New Video - Real Science - CV19 Does NOT Exist

But It Introduced The Jab, Worldwide.

Two of those who helped prove CV19 was nothing but a computer-generated scam have committed "suicide."

The full story is revealed by a genuine (2xPhDs) scientist in this report.

And how the CDC was/is part of this Deep State plot.

My version of her interview takes her PowerPoint slides, which are the text of her live interview, and overlays images throughout in order to help viewers with visuals that augment the text.

She says quite clearly that monkeypox is caused "by the jab," and that modern virology is totally fraulent.

It also concludes with the hard truth about Fauci promoting a killer drug.

Please share.



 Original interview is at

Wuhan Now Syhthesizing Monkeypox

After watching Dr Wagh's saga that shows the CV19 virus was nothing but a computer model that set the stage for a worldwide lethal vaccination porogram, if you have any doubts about it, then this new information should put all those doubts to rest.

"A prominent Chinese scientific journal has published a paper detailing the development of synthetic strains of monkeypox. 

" ... the Chinese researchers are not currently in possession of  a sample of naturally occurring monkeypox, and have decided to manufacture a synthetic version through viral DNA recombination: even though, he says,  the natural viral strains are readily available in African countries such as Nigeria or Congo, and the United Kingdom

"The American NIH (National Institute of Health) features monkeypox on it’s list of funded research entitled “A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the safety and efficacy of tecovirimat for the treatment of patients with monkeypox virus disease”. 

"$9,824,009 is listed as the amount of funding allocated by the NIH for the research."

A Monkey Pox On Your House Fauci


In Britain the number of child deaths resulting from the jab has risen dramatically.

And in Australia, a leading doctor who has publicly noted a major uptick in post-jab miscarriages has been targeted and shut down by the government.

Video is 2.30

This is From A Real VAERS Report

Russia Reports Ukraine Losses

📊In total, 260 airplanes and 144 helicopters, 1,577 unmanned aerial vehicles, 356 air defence missile systems, 4,135 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 762 combat vehicles equipped with MRLS, 3,174 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 4,413 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.

Is This For Real? Apparently.

The Canadian Ministry of Defense will allow male servicemen to dye their hair, do manicures and wear skirts.

The Armed Forces of the country amend the charter. It is clarified that the current instructions on the appearance of Canadian soldiers and officers are already outdated and do not correspond to modern realities.

Since September, both recruits and old-timers can wear their hair of any length and dye it in any colors.

It will be possible not to shave your face and wear beards, sideburns and mustaches of any shape.

▪️Will be allowed to do tattoos on the face.

Long nails, rings and ear piercings will be allowed.

Men and women will be allowed to wear items of clothing of the opposite sex, including men will be allowed to wear skirts.

And In The Real World

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