Subject: Trump-Fauci-Birx-VAERS

Raid Was Illegal - Fauci To Quit

August 24, 2022

Trump - Fauci - Birx - VAERS

New US Numbers

Show Vaxxed Deaths Well Up

"Two constitutional lawyers who worked in the Bush and Reagan administrations say that the warrant used to search former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence had no legal basis.

"A former president’s right under the Presidential Records Act supersedes the statutes the Department of Justice and FBI used to carry out the raid earlier this month, wrote David Rivkin Jr. and Lee Casey, who both served under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush."

Read More:-

Fauci And Birx - Birds Of A Feather

I have never forgotten having a beer (just one for him) with a good Christian guy who never used bad language.

But he did have a clever substitute.

Placing his empty glass back on the table he said "It's time to make like a pigeon and flock off."

I think that's what Fauci is doing.

Fauci has announced that he intends to quit his job at the end of this year. But he's not "retiring," he says which probably means he's hoping or planning to become a Big Pharma spokesman and a media "expert."

Or maybe he's hoping that by leaving his job he'll be less of a target for the Republicans when they take back the majority - although that probably won't save him from eventually being grilled by one or more new committees of inquiry. (Grilled pigeon anyone? ... shutup Michael).

The problem with the endless committees of ninquiry, is that they tend to make big waves in the media, bry the substance in the froth, and nothing ever seems to come of their showboating deliberations.

I honestly can't imagine any politician getting down to the nittygritty of the real consequences of Fauci's 40-year tenure in the health industry.

I say industry, because "health" in this country is a treadmill of corruption involving the likes of Fauci and his CDC colleagues, "bought" scientists who rely on him for their funding, and Big Pharma - plus Bill Gates as another unelected soothsayer for the world.

As for the hand signals, where his are identical to that of the Satanic Baphomet, to whom today's Satanists sacrifice children, is that not what Fauci has enabled on a global scale with "jabs" that are lethal? I'll include the evidence further down, but if you think that's a bit too outlandish, check out the unveiling of a 9ft tall statue of Baphomet in Detroit seven years ago..

The VigilantCitizen had this to say about that:-

"Baphomet has been the idol of secret societies for over a thousand years – since the time of the Knight Templars. Today’s secret societies descend from the Knight Templars and literally rule the world. They are behind the biggest atrocities humanity has ever committed, from unjust wars to underground child abuse rings to blood sacrifices to MKULTRA to things we don’t even know about."

Secret societies, such as the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, adrenochrome junkies, and Satan worshipppers all use hand signals and symbols to communicate with each other.

Birx Book Bombs - Bummer!

See if you can say that tongue twister quickly ten times totally:-)

Her book was titled "Silent Invasion: The Untold Story of the Trump Administration, Covid-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic Before It's Too Late."

You know that I believe there is always more to the story, and that means sometimes you have to get into the swamp if you want to understand swamp creatures. So I bought a $3 Kindle version of her book, used Amazon's free kindle reader app for PC, put on my mask to protect myself from the smell of BS, and read quite a bit of BS. (Just joking about the mask).

Some excerpts, bolded in places for a purpose:-

It has been well proven that this was a MODEL - created in a computer! So what is really causing CV19? Some say it is caused by a frequency; more of that another time.

"This is not a book about Donald Trump alone. It is not a book that portrays the failures that occurred solely through the complexities of his character. In our imagination and our politics, Donald Trump looms large to be sure, but the scale of what occurred in 2020 was far greater than even him. Of course, he is a part of this story, but he is just that— a part.

(Birx was overseas ambassador for AIDS, stationed in Africa).

"After weeks of urging from Matthew Pottinger— President Trump’s deputy national security advisor, a task force member ... I finally gave in to Matt’s request that I come on board to help with the response to the coronavirus outbreak.

"I trusted his inside assessment that the administration’s response to date had been meandering and flawed, putting the American people at potential risk."

She then writes about her first encounter with President Trump at a busy meeting in the Oval Office, previously wondering "Has he been briefed on the level of asymptomatic silent spread? Does he understand that the majority of cases can be detected only by testing and not by symptoms?"

That made me pause, big-time. Decipher the fancy words and she's claiming that people without symptoms are spreading the disease. Where's the science in that?

Then she goes on to say she had only 30 seconds to say anything to the president, who, she reports, was surrounded by others on "the team" while also flicking through five news channels all playing at once on a wall-mounted television screen.

"Someone takes a few steps toward me and gestures toward the door. I’ve had less than thirty seconds to speak with the president.

"My mind shifts gears to the afternoon meeting ahead, which the president will be attending. I’ll be there with select task force members and, critically, the biotech and pharmaceutical companies.

"This will be my first opportunity to see where we are in the development of effective treatments and vaccines. (And she still doesn't know they weren't effective at all???).

"Will they be given short shrift like I was? "Short shrift." Historically, the expression refers to the time between confession and execution. It’s as fitting an expression as any for what I’m up against— indeed, what we all are."

(Birx, Deborah. Silent Invasion (pp. 4-5). Harper Collins. Kindle Edition)

It's an oldie but goodie, and perfect in this variation - when a Deep State person's lips are moving, you know they are lying.

The same applies to any books they write - a few facts interspersed with innuendo, and whoever wrote that book for Birx was a master at that craft.

However, with both Birx and Fauci now among the pigeons flocking around in ever-diminishing concentric circles, I feel that it is time to explore their subconscious minds. Take the title of Birx's book, "Silent Invasion."

Isn't that exactly what the Globalists have done to America, and countries around the world?



Are Fauci and Birx Deep Staters? In my opinion (and allegedly) they are guilty till proven innocent.

And what is the significance of those words so early in the book - "Short shrift." Historically, the expression refers to the time between confession and execution."

Is that a subconscious window on her future? And Fauci's?

 I don't know, but because they have not said word one about the terrible toll these lethal jabs have taken around the globe, I can't think of a better epilogue. Or perhaps a Gitmo holiday.

I did not read her book in full, but perhaps elsewhere she references the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) statistics. If so, she would be the first bureaucrat to do so in the past many years - because those numbers truly prove the lie (which is what it is) that people around the world have been told by their dictator governments and tyrant administrators.

Birx did express her concerns about deaths (she claimed) that were from Covid itself - 950,000 at the time of that meeting.

However, we know now, from scientists worldwide - who have been debunked and portrayed as misinformation specialists by the likes of Fauci - that the injuries and deaths from these totally misnamed "vaccines" is in the order of hundreds of thousands, even millions.

Again , my opinion, but the same as that of many others, and based on solid data and research.

The jabs including all the boosters are a genocidal bioweapon.

Laundered Money In Advance?

By the way, I did some extra research to see how much of an advance she might have received from her publishing house.

They have been known to offer exorbitant sum of money to the likes of James Comey and Bill Barr and others who have basically done hit jobs on President Trump - yet some publishers have lost money on those deals.

Of course, only a cynic would suggest the money was laundered and given as an upfront payment for writing about the president in a very negative vein.

Birx did that, but the good news is that her book bombed, selling only about 6000 copies so far.

What I did find was that :- "Despite the cooling of the Trump aide book market, one author in particular has been quite successful: Donald Trump.

“Our Journey Together,” a $75 hardcover collection of photos from his time in the White House (captured by official photographers like Shealah Craighead who were not given a cut of the profit) with captions written by the ex-president has made more than $20 million since its release in November, according to CNN."

"Trump aide Sergio Gor published Trump’s book under the imprint of Winning Team Publishing, the publishing house he established with Trump son Donald Trump Jr. He plans to publish another book this year by Trump.

“Conservatives have no interest in reading books that perpetuate falsehoods about President Trump from disgruntled former administration officials,” Gor said. “These authors are left without an audience, since liberals never liked them to begin with.”

Intermission - A ~V~ Meme

The VAERS Data

Now back to the tragedy that has been the bioweapon assault on America under the "guidance" of Birx and Fauci. Keep in mind that these numbers understate the situation by a huge percentage since many adverse events are never reported.

"VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,350,950 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,635 deaths and 246,676 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 15, 2022. This data is not necessarily tied to the vaccines but is concerning and needs honest research. We won’t get it from the crew that’s in the agency."


And today, the Epoch Times published this:-

"Vaccinated people are more likely than the unvaccinated in recent months to be a COVID-19 case, hospitalization, or death in 25 states, according to an Epoch Times investigation.

"In Kentucky in June, for example, 67 percent of the deaths were among the vaccinated, according to data obtained by The Epoch Times.

"That same month, the vaccinated made up 65 percent of COVID-19 cases, 64 percent of COVID-19 hospitalizations, and 66 percent of COVID-19 deaths in Wisconsin.

"The numbers are a drastic change from 2021."

Read More - with stats from many states.


I'm sure all this will strike many as unhappy news, especially if you know the Deep State wants to stretch out the use of "vaccines" to 2030.

The good news is that there really was a "Project Looking Glass" and if you search for videos by that title on Bitchute or Rumble, you too can have a look (at least a mental one) into the future.

But in case you don't have the time, I'll spoil the end of the movie for you:-)

The Looking Glass computer has been used by the Cabal to look at future events, so that they can then change their strategies in order to always retain their control and power.

(The good guys also have access to something similar, and probably a lot more sophisticated).

After it was revealed that Project Looking Glass existed (first mentioned by Bob Lazar, ex Area 51, on the Late Art Bell's radio show many years back) the cabal claimed it had been shut down.

What they did not want anyone to know was that no matter what they did, all potential timelines converge into one inevitable outcome.


However, it's like a chess game. Both players know the moment one of them is in a losing position. However, the game must go on till the final checkmate - and that's what we're experiencing now.

Move and counter-move, and the best man is winning.

How do we know that?

We don't - not for sure - because we're watching the game from a distance. We can't see the whole board or the position of all the pieces. They can. And sometimes it looks like the one we favor is just sitting there, doing nothing. We don't know that he has already manouvered the bad guy/loser into a situation where all the bad guy can do is play however many moves it will take to end the game. And he'll delay that for as long as possible.

Lastly, this game has no time limit on it.


Michael Knight.

And PS - I am neither a chess piece, nor a Knight Templar. I'm just a knight with a pen for a sword.

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