Subject: Trump Dares Judge- "Jail Me"

Judge reserves decision

April 23, 2024.

Trump Says He May Be Jailed

Here are some captures on that subject from my Twitter account (which you might choose to follow if you are on Twitter).





Trump going to jail?

Did Q say the first arrest will shock the world?

Judge Merchan has reserved his decision but said "incarceration" is an option.

We'll see if the world has a new Mandela..who was jailed and later elected Pres. of South Africa.

Some Popcorn Thoughts.

Let's assume these people really are playing roles in a movie.

After all, was it not Shakespeare who wrote, "All the world's a stage, and we are merely players."

That needs updating.

All the world's a stage, and most of us are in the popcorn and peanut seats.

Seriously though, my reading of the script is that if Trump does go to jail, he'll be prudently off stage, isolated, and therefore out of the picture if this country erupts into civil unrest. And I say "civil unrest" rather than civil war, although it might be hard to tell the difference.

In fact, before it's over we might see a few states at war with each other. But what do I know?

Maybe Trump's jail time, which would run for about 30 days, will finally trigger the military into ousting the Biden regime while having troops around the nation swoop down on those thousands of people who have reportedly been under sealed indictments for years.

Maybe we'll start to see clones and doubles of politicians, celebrities and billionaires and millionaires starting to suddenly retire...or drop dead?

Whatever....I'm still in the lengthy process of crafting a video and articles for the blog under the working headline, "Top Down Evil 101."

One of the resources I'll be referencing in the links section will be about GITMO and a very in-depth look at what has been going on for the past several years.

For those who already have a broad understanding of the subject of child trafficking and other horrible events (and people) this is certainly a refresher course, although anything but refreshing.

"GITMO Update | Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners – Official Documents."

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Keep well - Prepared.


Michael Knight.

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