Subject: Trump Changes Truth - Colbert Arrested

Bible&Giants - JFK Sr - and Jr

November 28, 2023

Hunter Biden To Testify

The Games Continue

Trump To Use Military

Giants And The Bible

Thanks For The 'Memeries'

Trump Changes Truth

Colbert Arrested

The Storm Is Upon Them

Video - Murder Incorporated

with camela Harris

"President Joe Biden's son has agreed to testify to Congress, one of his lawyers said on Nov. 28.

"Hunter Biden will answer questions before the U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee, lawyer Abbe Lowell said in a missive to the chairman of the panel."

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MK Note:- When I say that the games continue, it's because Hunter Biden's lawyer has said he wants the testimony given in an open hearing, whereas the committee has stipulated that it will be behind closed doors.

The committee has records of something like $24m being paid to the Biden family through shell companies from Russia, China and Khazakstan - so why would Hunter Biden's laweyer want an open hearing?

Ignore the play button - the cartoon sums it all up; the DOJ has turned a blind eye to the obvious for decades while the Bidens have raked in millions from America's enemies.

Trump To Use Military

"Throughout the course of his presidential campaign, Trump has suggested that he could use the military to increase security at the southern border, unleash the military against foreign drug cartels, and deploy military units to cities that are overwhelmed with crime."

MK Note:- This is an interesting article about how President Trump waited for governors to request military assistance - but none did so during his first term. So now, he's ready to use a law that gives the president authority to step in without being asked.

And it may happen much sooner than you think. Trump is known to have recalled military reservists to active duty before he left office - their orders simply being to be on standby - and Biden actually extended that Executive Order last year.

Long Before Photoshop

Giants and the Bible


And there's lots more you didn't learn in school - or church. They never mention the subject of giants, although there are many mentions of them in the Bible...

Read More - Good Article and Bible verses here.

 "What does the Bible say about Giants?

"The Bible mentions giants several times, most notably in the Book of Genesis, where they are called the Nephilim. The Nephilim were said to be the offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men." They were described as being "very great, and men of renown."

"The Bible also mentions giants in the Book of Numbers, where the Israelites encountered the Anakim, a tribe of giants who lived in the land of Canaan. The Anakim were so tall that the Israelites were afraid of them, and said, "We are like grasshoppers in their sight."


MK Note:- 

The word "Anakim" may well refer to those known as the Annunaki, among them being scientists specialising in genetics.

They had labs all over the planet, including a place known as the "Gan" (or walled garden) of "Edin." But don't wait for any religion to openly say so.

I just keep in mind a Wayne Dwyer quote that says something like "The height of ignorance is to dismiss something you know nothing about."

Having been guilty of that many times in the past, I'd even go a step further and say such an attitude is compounded by erecting hardwired and concrete parameters around what little we do know, thereby refusing to go beyond the dogma we have decided is all we need to know.

BTW, I bought one of Mauro Biglino's books. He did a lot of translations for the Catholic church before amicably parting ways. He is very popular on YouTube.

Mauro Biglino - Official website  That one's in Italian.

This one is in English.

"My name is Mauro Biglino and, starting from the original writings, I will guide you through a new way of reading the Bible that allows to go beyond the consolidated dogma. My aim is to provide you the tools for a free and autonomous reflection upon spirituality and upon our origins."

Thanks For The 'Memeries'

Quite a few stacked up over Thanksgiving

Tippitt was a JFK body double; he was the one assassinated in Dallas.

Trump Changes Truth...

...On Truth Social that is.

He has changed his opening image from the one above, to the one below.

In my opinion this strongly suggests a coded message indicating that the military and reservists may have been given new orders - or that something such as arrests of those under sealed indictments may be under way.

Then, just by coincidence of course, this happened

"JAG’s new detainment center on Guam will soon have its first detainee: Trump-hating, vaccine-loving, liberal talk show host Stephen Colbert, host of CBS’s Late Night with Stephen Colbert.

"As reported last week, White Hats had finished building a crude but hopefully efficient 200-cell prison for mainstream media personalities that, in one way or another, committed treason and defrauded the United States of America."

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MK Note:- If Real Raw News is new to you, you might question its veracity. I certainly did, for many months. But as a lifelong writer myself, I had to admit that it would be impossible for some disingenuous individual to keep writing with such frequency, and in such detail, on so many diverse but related issues, without having inside information or a reliable source. But that's just my evaluation. You have the god-given right to reach your own conclusions.

The Storm Is Upon Them

A Bad Thing?

 No. It's a good thing.

"Their Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall" - Q

Murder Incorporated - Courtesy Camela Harris

Caution. This video is not just about Camela Harris brazenly lying. It's heartbreaking - real - and now the WHO is saying we should wear masks again to save ourselves from swine flu.

And I have it from a friend in the medical field that some patients in hospital are now being jabbed while asleep....

Pure Evil Indeed.

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Knight

About Michael Knight

Michael Knight has a 60-year international background in all media - newspapers, radio, television - as a reporter, newsreader, frontman, news cameraman (2 yrs), documentary director, and film and video editor. He is the author of seven books, two of which were banned by Amazon just prior to the 2020 election. Michael quit the corrupt mainstream in 1980 and has been researching and writing about the New World Order for four decades. He became an American Citizen after moving from New Zealand to the US in 1990.


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These are all extensively researched and professionally written and voiced (where necessary).

They are timeless, in the sense that they are also a historical record of events. Some are humorous.

Others cut to the bone when dealing with subjects such as corruption, child trafficking, rotten politicians, the Khazarian Mafia aka the New World Order (NWO), World Economic Forum (WEF), and politicians, celebrities, and others who are engaged in warmongering, money laundering, depopulation, and Satanic practices.

If you are new to these subjects, it would be well worth your time to browse through what's available and watch those you find of interest.

Some, such as the devastation of Lahaina on Maui, have required several episodes.

Many are as short as 10 minutes; some run a little longer, but all are intended to give you information from which you may draw your own conclusions.

Note that Michael's opinions are his own - and yours may differ. That's the beauty of being an independent thinker, which is what Michael respectfully sees you as.

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There are a number of recommended books, and a DVD/Video titled "Contact Has Begun" which Michael directed and voiced some years ago.

It is on sale (US only) - and is very much a collector's item as a record of historical events.

Reviewed in the United States

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This is one of the most informative short books that I’ve ever read.

What has taken me over 20 years to piece together, Michael Knight, summed up in one book.

Connects many dots, I am not sure about some of the information and will need time to digest (and thus the 4 stars) – however if you can believe in guidance from another place then you will gain much needed insight!

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