Subject: Trump - A reminder

seemed right for Memorial Day

May 30 2022 -

 Two Memorial Day Videos. 

After editing a video to honor those who have served (link below) I had a feeling that it would be as well to also honor a living warrior.

The Blue and The Gray

I also received this email from a subscriber who had seen this tribute to The Blue and the Gray.

I liked the way you read the poem. 

The poem itself told a sad story of the stupidity of war. Its destruction of families and young lives lost. 

   We are the only species that will take an idea and defend it unto the death of those who oppose that idea.

We rob and steal and kill to have what's not ours to have and then justify our actions by claiming a moral right. Or suppose that might is right.

  But Liberty, to be a free people must be defended. To be informed and aware of the forces arrayed against us is imperative or we give ground and yield little by little till we fail to see or remember what Feeedom and Liberty have given us. Others will redefine what they mean and we will accept there definition and be happy. No,no,no no.

 We must continue to hold up a Standard against the oppressors and stand. We will win!


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