Subject: Trudeau "Trucked." Ottawa Gridlocked

Family Flies To US For Safety (Report)

January 30 2022

Video - Truckers Reach Ottawa

Trudeau Leaves Town

NZ PM Self-Isolates

Code Words For The Crims?

Nanotech Found In NZ Shots 

Effort To Arrest NZ Minister of Health

Canadian PM Trudeau has been "removed to safety" with his family after thousands of truckers and thousands more Canadians descended on Ottawa.

Trudeau Leaves Town

Note:- Cannot be sure when above picture was taken. Other reports say he has gone to a "cottage" somewhere in Canada - and that he (and his cabinet?) have claimed to be self-isolating because of exposure to CV19.

It is surely a coincidence however that NZ PM Jacinda Ardern is now "self isolating" as well.

Code Words For Crims - Or For Us?

As for the following image and its code words, there's no indication as to its origin, or who the code is intended for. But the Globalists most certainly communicate in coded phrases from time to time.

Ardern, as a graduate and disciple of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum, she must surely be well aware that the vaccines are in reality a bioweapon - and now, a New Zealand lab has found this under a microscope.

Hopefully she too will be looking for a safe place before too long.

Call To Arrest NZ Minister Of Health

(Note:- I found this posted on a GAB group. Will keep an eye on it and see how it evolves.)

Shared from the United Freedom Front fb page.

This is huge!!

Statement made by Brett Power:

I have been informed my Statement of Claim (submitted on 22 .12.2021) has been accepted by the High Court Registrar and the case outlining the details of the falsifying and suppression of millions of adverse effects upon those who were given the P*izer serum, as is clearly shown in the lodged court documents accepted by the High Court Registrar is now currently being examined by a High Court Justice.

Given the urgency to this matter and the seriousness of the continuing crime causing continuing culpable murder to large numbers of the community this matter will now be presented in a formal written complaint to the New Plymouth Police station.

A formal written request , asking for the police to immediately receive this written complaint and immediately respond in writing with the issue of a complaint number and an action will be made.

Myself and the accompanying members of the public will remain at the New Plymouth Police station until the complaint is formally responded in a written acknowledgement from the Police.

The official complaint in regarding the current on going criminal acts being perpetuated ,needs to be acted on within 24 hours.

If no action is taken by the police within 24 hours then at 12 noon on the following day the people will assemble outside the Taranaki property address of the Minister of Health Andrew James Little, and make an arrest of the Minister of Health under s35 of the Crimes Act 1961, and declare that the Minister must accompany them to the police station in New Plymouth.

Crimes Act 1961 35 Arrest of persons found committing certain crimes

Every one is justified in arresting without warrant— (a) any person whom he or she finds committing any offence against this Act for which the maximum punishment is not less than 3 years’ imprisonment

Under s172 of the Crimes Act 1961, (1) Every one who commits (culpable) murder is liable to imprisonment for life.

So in this case as murders have been committed such as upon Rory Wilson, a formally young and fit man ,who died from a heart attack after taking the P*izer serum and whose body was examined by a coroner whose report stated the cause of death was from the P*izer serum, then the Minister of Health is to be held accountable for culpable murder.

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