Subject: Today's News Buffet

weather wars - food control - Post Vax Deaths - Dem Hypocrisy - Juan O'Savin

July 23 2021 - Today's News Buffet

Weather Wars and Food Control.

Post-Vax Deaths in New Zealand.

Voting Machines and Dems Hypocrisy.

PayPal is NOT your Pal.

Best for Last - Juan O'Savin Reveals Major Scams.

Weather Wars - Food Control

A subscriber (thanks V) sent in a link to this awesome clip from a BBC documentary in response to my comments in the last newsletter about weather wars being part of the current asymmetrical warfare – the outcome of which will determine whether this world is controlled by the Globalists, or not.

I watched it immediately and saw this giant complex literally creating a cloud that within an hour had rain pouring down over Mississippi.

However, on testing the link just prior to finishing this newsletter, I found that "this page no longer exists."

Funny about that. Jack Dorsey's censorship brigade hard at work keeping people in the dark so all you get is mushroom fodder, aka BS.

Unless you do your own due diligence.

So I did some searching on "weather modification" and "BBC weather documentary," and found dozens of videos, among which was this one by David Icke.

Conclusion:- The Globalists and their mainstream media cohorts spin the narrative about climate change to divert attention from the fact that they are the ones who to a large degree, using their modification and weather creation technology, are responsible for such changes.

By doing so, they can literally control food production around the planet, which means they can literally starve an entire nation by creating devastating floods, storms, blazing hot summers and severe winters.

Not to mention droughts.

"The US Drought Monitor as of July 13 showed 100% of all states west of the Rocky Mountains and most of the Upper Midwest region in some level of drought. California, Oregon, Arizona, Idaho, Utah and North Dakota were nearly 100% severe drought or worse (with extreme and exceptional the most severe). Washington, Montana, South Dakota, Minnesota, New Mexico, most of Wyoming and western Colorado all were in moderate or worse drought."

Full article at this link:-

Maybe you didn't hear it here first - but I do hope you will give it all serious thought and take whatever steps you consider wise to ensure your own future in a world of engineered climate changes, food shortages, and unprepared starving people.

New Zealand Deaths

Lawyer Sue Grey says at least 40 people have died in New Zealand following the jab.

It'll be interesting to see how long the NZ government allows this Counterspin show to stay on the air?

As servile lackeys of and proponents for the Great Reset, both New Zealand and Australia have introduced some of the most severe responses to this scamdemic.

Today, Muppet Ardern, NZ Prime Minister, announced that ... "Bubble Burst: Once Again New Zealand Suspends Quarantine-Free Travel with Australia."

Both countries are touting the line that the new "Delta variant" is running wild.

PayPal – Not Your Pal At All

If as a subscriber you have been donating or subscribing via PayPal, I highly recommend that you go to your PayPal account and cancel that recurring payment.

They have shut down my account – but I'm not the only one.

PayPal and Venmo have also shut down Peggy Hall of The Healthy American...and frozen her funds as well.

I'd say there is no doubt they did so because they are Big Tech and Deep State, and she has been actively and successfully combating politicians in Anaheim County, California, for their illegal declaration of a state of emergency related to knockdowns and all that.

But she's no quitter.

Flashback -Rigged Elections

Since the Dems have succeeded (NOT) in stealing the 2020 election, they are now fighting tooth and fang against the current audits that they know will destroy their regime.

They and their media allies insist that there was no rigging of this recent election, so there is no need to suspect fraud of any kind.

But they were singing a different tune about voting machines not so long ago.

Whether Republican or Democrat, those who oppose the auditing of the 2020 election result are most certainly Deep State players, personally aiding and abetting every lie and every subterfuge and every deceit to further their own quest and lust for power.

And that leads us to the best for last - as Juan O'Savin says, if this election scenario is not fixed NOW, then America is history.

That's it for today.

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Best wishes.

Michael Knight.

Today's Events Dovetail With The Globalist Agenda

Because that agenda was revealed in detail in my books, Amazon banned them.

But the real details are now available in pdf format to help you (and those you pass on free copies to) to understand why America is in such turmoil today.

Check out "The Toronto Protocols – Then and Now"

How The 6.6.6. Planned The Great Reset

By Michael Knight (and Serge Monast – R.I.P.)

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