Subject: Three Vid Suggestions - All Good

And Some Memes - All Good

October 16, 2024

Videos And Memes

This is a short newsletter, but with a purpose.

The recommended videos are simply linked, but with a brief sentence about what they are about.

The memes that follow are from a stack that has been building up on my computer - which is no place to hide memes that do have a message, even if only a humorous one. Or not.

SGAnon Audio 63

So up to date and comprehensive, so well spoken that I'll be listening to this twice.

100 Miles Unfenced Unpatrolled Border - Abandoned Border Patrol Buildings

Ben Bergquam : This needs to be seen by the American people!

When they tell you they know the number of illegals that have come across our border, it is total BS!

There are hundreds of miles that we have completely given up on because Border Patrol is being used as chauffeurs for the fake asylum-seekers that are pouring into our border cities, leaving areas like this wide-open.

There is absolutely no way of knowing how many cartel members, how many criminals, or how many terrorists are in our country now because of Joe Biden’s suicidal border policies.

Please share all of these videos with everyone you can. American needs to see the truth!


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The Antidote

(That's what the title says - and Dr Ardis is qualified to give medical advice. I am not. But this is definitely worth viewing. - MK)


I just listened to this interview with Dr. Brian Ardis, who I've heard many times before in the past while, but this time he had even further information to share.

It's a bit long, but very interesting and be sure to listen to the end to find out what's working for people who have 'Covid' or any of its fakes. I heard they were trying to get another pandemic going soon. This has really good natural remedies to recover from the snake venom they're putting in the water supplies all over the world and all the 'diseases' they're causing. 

If you've already seen it, please forgive me, but it's some of the most useful information I've seen, all put together in one package.



A Meme or Two

And today, that Judge Chutkan, an Obama appointee, took revenge.

On Monday, a federal judge prohibited former President Donald Trump from speaking about his prosecutors in the case alleging he illegally interfered when he challenged the 2020 elections.

Judge Tanya Chutkan, presiding over the case, granted the gag order in part. (Read More)

That look you get when there are 97 counts leveled on you by the criminals who really did the crimes ~V~

This is not a meme.

Nor is it the poor-me's.

It's just being honest.

I do not qualify for Social Security, so I wrote several books since 2015 to augment my very limited disability income. Amazon banished two of my best-selling books in 2020.

Royalties then nose-dived faster than an F35 - and I had no parachute. A month or two later I had to start asking for donations to help cover monthly overheads.

I then spent months writing the following book - and it seems I screwed up with the title.

Who cares about the Memoirs of a Misfit? It was a dumb title, and maybe I should withdraw it and change that. But that takes a month or more, then another two months before any royalties are released by Amazon.

Those donations I have receieved have been a real lifesaver, considering that last month's royalties were a staggering $24.85.

As for the book, it is absolute value for money - and twice as long (600 pages) as most paperbacks available these days.

(THERE....I finally got that off my chest....)

An Adventure Book By Michael Knight

I really should have titled this one, Adventures of a Misfit, because that's really what it's about - my early years during which I had a lot of adventures, a number of life-saving moments and a lot of questions.

You'll also see the price is currently reduced by 25%.

5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderfully amusing

Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2023

Verified Purchase

This story took me back to my youth, sometimes wayward, as was the author's. His adventures reminded me of bygone days, when kids could play outside, with no worries of molestation, and could have great adventures, as long as we were back in time for supper. We had opportunities for biking, swimming and raising a little hell. Highly recommended!

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