Subject: The Fear Of Nuclear War (booboo corrected)

And Why It Won't Happen (Link Now included)

April 23, 2023

Major booboo corrected!

The video link is now correccted/added to this version

The Fear Of Nuclear War

And Why It Won't Happen

by Michael Knight

I'm afraid I'll lose a few subscribers once they've read this newsletter.

But the best way to handle fear, is to face it.

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On the other hand, I might gain a few as well.

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Now let's get to it.

Speaking as one who spent 30 years as a mainstream reporter - and 30 additional years as an independent thinker and writer - I am well aware that since Russia started its military operation in Ukraine, the Western media has been conditioning us to expect a nuclear war.

Just do a search yourself for "nuclear war" and you'll immediately find returns such as these. › 2022 › 09 › 28 › opinions › how-close-putin-nuclear-war-de-bretton-gordon › index.html

Opinion: The most likely nuclear scenario | CNN

Sep 28, 2022Russia and the West (including the United States, Britain and France) both have almost 6,000 warheads each,

Best Place to Survive Nuclear War in the U.S. - Newsweek

Oct 10, 2022Modern nuclear weapons are 20 to 30 times more powerful › news › nuclear-war-5-billion-people-starvation-deaths-study

ANuclear war between the U.S. and Russia would kill more than 5 billion 16, 2022Nuclear weapons haven't been used in a conflict since 1945, but currently, the U.S. and Russia have more than 1,500 nuclear weapons deployed and ready to fire. › nuclear-war-simulator-shows-what-war-russia-would-look-like-1743000

US urges NATO vigilance for signs Russia could use nuclear weapon in Uk…

:Russian State TV Discusses Plan To Rule The World After Winning Nuclear War

I can also say, after 40 years of researching and writing about the New World Order, currently known as the Deep State, or Khazarian Mafia, that today's mainstream media is one of the Deep State's major assets.

Its sole reason for existence has become blatantly obvious. It is the modern version of Hitler's propaganda machinery. It's only job these days is to develop and use narratives that keep people constantly divided, confused, emotional, and above all, in a state of fear.

Fear is what keeps people controllable. For a very clear example, you must be aware that it was fear (fear of death) that was used so successfully to induce millions of people to take a vaccine which, unbeknownst to them, was a bioweapon developed by the Deep State in order to kill off millions upon millions of "useless eaters" (their words, not mine).

Naturally, you'll read nothing about that in the msm.

Why, then, are they running this narrative about nuclear war? What have they to gain by once again putting the fear of death into the world at large.

It certainly appears that one of their motives is to distract us from the fact that Russia is winning this war in Ukraine. Russia is dismantling the biolabs that the US built in Ukraine. Russia is taking out underground facilities used for sex and child trafficking, and the harvesting of adrenochrome. Russia is destroying Ukraine as a money laundering mecca for corrupt politicians (the Bidens for instance) around the world.

Russia has got the Deep State on the run.

That said, there is another equally important fact to consider, and that's to do with the movies. For decades we have watched movies and television dramas about aliens.

The common denominator over-all is that these ETs are definitely hostile, and they intend to take over our planet. Hence we have recent chatter aorund the Internet about a thing called Project Blue Beam. That's a system, that does exist, which can project holograms into the sky. Those projections are so realistic that the human brain imagines them to be real.

Why would the Deep State want us to think that all aliens are evil?

And what is the connection between aliens, as portrayed by the Deep State, and the concept of nuclear war?

Both, from their perspective, provide them with their tools of trade - fear. Fear of death. That, in turn, gives them control, and shields them from us discovering the truth.

Until now.

Because now, the truth is coming to the fore.

They too are afraid.

Afraid that we will find that there are "aliens" who are far from being our enemies.

Aliens who have in the past, and in the now, interceded in human affairs.

And, if you're still here, it is time to take a look at what that means.

It means they have the ability to turn all the world's nuclear weapons OFF...and on again.

They have done it.

I doubt that you have personally heard about it, but I am among those who have.

At a conference at James Gilliland's ranch near Mt Adams when making the documentary, Contact Has Begun,we filmed a speaker who referred to an incident at a military base where a huge UFO hovered above the facility, and all 10 missiles went online (that's right, ready to go) and were then turned off again.

Would aggressive conquering aliens want to do that? I mean, if they could do that and they were intent on taking over our planet, what was the point?

No, they were not aggressive. But they were sending a message.

The military, in all countries, and their most senior politicians and generals (many of whom are Black Hats and Deep State puppets) are well aware that they cannot start a nuclear war!

But they have continued to use the fear of nuclear war, to their advantage.

But only until their impotence is brought to light, which it is, in the following video that has recently been uploaded to YouTube.

It is quite significantly and appropriately headlined "Hope In High Places - A Deterrent Against Nuclear War."

Having viewed it several times, I decided on the headline for this article "The Fear of Nuclear War - And Why it Won't Happen."

It won't happen, because of what you will learn in this video - and we'll get to the link in a minute.

YouTube has been known to arbitrarily shut down channels that question the Deep State (they shut mine down in 2020 and I lost 20,000 subscribers, a million views, and over 100 videos, or they do so for arbitrary reasons), so I have selected several images from the video, and transcribed the associated commentary. That's for your previewing benefit, and for the sake of posterity - or history, if you will.

The voice in the video is that of Ramtha The Enlightened one, channeling through JZ Knight (no relation) at an event at the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. Some of the images are simulations.

The quotes are from my transcription - and I sincerely hope it is accurate because just one or two words were a little indistinct to my aged ear.

"That they will come? Absolutely.

"There will be a HUGE UFO outbreak that's going to be very hard to cover up.

"They're intentionally turning ON nuclear warheads then shut them off with a deliberate show of force, that we can cause you to go to war, even though we don't want to, and when we don't think you should, we can neutralise all of them.

"Why do they want to do that?

"The greatest reason that concerns you, is hope... y'know, that purely mindful humbling, that someone cares?

"Yes they do."

"That they're intelligent is beyond question."

"That their power is absolute - Beyond question."

 (Text added to image by MK).

"That they had a hand in your beauty. Beyond question."

I consider the above images to be a depiction of the type of craft used by Ramtha and his colleagues -

and the pipe-smoking alien is from a crop circle created overnight beneath the white horse in Britain.

This video was posted to YouTube on February 22 2023, but has just come to my attention here in April.

You will see it had had 161,045 views at the time I viewed it - and then opened the "show more" option.

This is what it had to say:-


Ramtha on the intentional turning on and off of nuclear warheads. October 9, 2010.

Bring down the level of fear the [DS] is trying to create. USAF Capitan Robert Salas was the on-duty commander of an underground ICBM launch control facility at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana on March 24, 1967 when a UFO caused all ten of his intercontinental ballistic missiles to become inoperable. Read more

More from Ramtha: "They are the ones that brought about thermonuclear treaties between the major powers. And it wasn’t because those blowhards negotiating for reduction in nuclear armaments were so skilled, no. Why was that? Because all of these beings took out all of those nuclear silos, those submarines, those stockpiles, turned them on and then turned them off. And the people who are supposed to lead this world, now they understand that they will never be allowed to destroy another country or another people ever again.” ─ Ramtha February 22, 2012

“There have been prevented nuclear weapons launched from this country. And you know how that was accomplished? We turned them on, and let them sweat, and then we turned them off. And just in case that didn’t work, we did it again. And only then did these leaders come to the table to disband nuclear weapons — only then.” ─ Ramtha April 28, 2012

“We have intervened in so many decisions that would have ended this world because of arrogance and avarice and pride and religion, and in the name of whoever they want to name God. We have intervened in catastrophic ways that you only get whiffs of. We can turn off every nuclear missile in the world tonight. We can turn it all off, no matter where it is at. We can turn off any bomb. We can neutralize plutonium.” ─ Ramtha June 14, 2013

There are additional links below that, well worth checking out. I also followed the one about the article in the UK, and scored the below image. Obviously, the article is still there.

This is the link to the videop on YouTube.

I surely hope that this insight into the higher realms does indeed dispel that fear that "they" would have us embroiled in.

"They" would have us believe that all aliens are evil, and that we are being assailed by demons and worse.

"They" would go on about "false prophets" in order to distract us and divert us from thinking for ourselves.

Well, there are no doubt bad aliens, just as there are bad humans. Think about the Satanists who have got away with murder (literally) and evil beyond imagining - THAT is what this war is all about - getting rid of the vermin - so, to my mind, there is every reason for hope, every reason to expect this storm to continue at least for a while, but as they saying goes, in the end, God wins.

Or in this case, should I say "the gods" win?

And they're on the side of the righteous.  


Michael Knight.

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“I love this book about Ramtha’s prophecy and president Trump.

"It is an easy read [you can finish it in a couple of sittings], yet gives an excellent,

concise overview of what the deep state is and the tactics it has used to bring us to this point in history."

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