Subject: The FTX Saga - Who, What, Why

Clif High Nails It

November 15, 2022

Deep State Takedown

One At A Time

Down Goes FTX (Who? What?)

With so much happening simultaneously, experience suggests it is best to handle one thing at a time.

Therefore, this newsletter will deal only with the FTX situation.

What is, or was, FTX?

It was, before it declared bankruptcy a few days ago, a cryptocurrency operation.

Now it is revealed, by those who have much more expertise in these matters than I do, that it was a Deep State/Globalist/WEF currency laundering operation.

However, it was not taken down by any White Hats. It appears that it was deliberately established, then taken down by its owners (*the Globalists) because it had served its purpose. Several purposes really.

It was also that seminal November 13 event as forecast by Clif High recently. -Its ramifications are yet to unfold, as he explained to Bix Weir in this interview...but we'll get to that shortly.

"WEF" is the acronym for the World Economic Forum which removed from its website any mention of its partnership with FTX as soon as the bankruptcy was announced.

The original image was replaced with this (above) apology page..

But then some smart people got into the wayback machine and found the original.

Those who have dug deep into its history and its intent understand that the WEF is just one of the front organizations for the multi-tentacled New World Order agenda and its insidious plan to rule the world, with you and me as its unwitting slaves - unless we are dead, thanks to their genocidal FauciCovid thing.

We'll own nothing and be happy....

Read All About It

My book, President Trump and the New World Order, was written for those who really want to learn the facts about that hydra-headed monster, its monster adherents, and the eventual outcome. ...which is a good one, and not too far off. It's available at this link.

To continue with the money laundering that FTX was set up to do - along with some other very deceitful matters of fact.

As just one example of the many washing machines in this laundromat, the US Deep Staters, and there are many on both sides of the US Government, have literally sent many billions of dollars to Ukraine to "help" it win the war against Russia. (Forgive me, but, what a freaking pipe dream!)

It worked like this.

Zelensky would jump in front of a green screen. The green screen hides the puppet strings while he demands that your tax dollars should be given to him so he and his tiny little country can destroy Russia and President Putin.

Your government then reaches deep into your pocket, pulls out a wad of notes, sends it to Ukraine, and every few weeks does a rinse and repeat.

This timelag allowed FTX to also do a rinse and repeat.

Instead of paying for all the armaments that are also sent to Ukraine - or sidetracked onto the black market - Ukraine's oligarchs would then "invest" gazillions into FTX.

In other words, Ukraine was the "washing machine" where our tax dollars were sent for the first stage of this laundering operation.

Their "investment" into FTX took this criminal multi-billion dollar heist to the next level

FTX was set up by the Globalists, or the Khazarian Mafia as they are also known.

It happens to have been registered in the Bahamas, which is where this guy and a lot of his friends would spend time partying, or whatever people do who use symbols that indicate they are pedophiles - this one being the symbol of a girl-lover - very young ones.

If you've heard of Q and perhaps read some of his posts, he has said that their symbols will be their downfall.

Other identifiers are facial expressions and hand signals.

Why did so many top-ranking American politicians visit Ukraine and Zelensky - was it just to wish him well in his campaign to destroy the Russian bear?

Not at all.

As they say, he who pays the Piper calls the tune.

They promised him billions - for reasons of self-interest of course.

Through The Spin Dryer

There's more to this laundry metaphor.

After being "washed" by "investing" in FTX, your billions of dollars that were picked from your pocket came out of the FTX dryer looking like nice clean greenbacks (metaphorically speaking).

Who would ever think that your money had previously been stolen, then sent to a "fence," (Ukraine) which would then invest in what looked like a legitimate independent business?

Then that business - FTX - would do its own investing in and donating to "worthy causes" but all the while using its existence as a cover for sending funds to the myriad of offshore bank accounts and shell companies and foundations and charities owned and operated (at arm's length of course) by all the seditious and treasonous individuals who have infiltrated the governance of so many countries over the years.

And there you go! Your tax dollars at work!

And this explains things very simply.

Now for the Clif High / Bix Weir interview

Once again Clif's linguistic data sets (captured by his proprietary system on the Internet) was accurate in showing the start of something big happening on Novermber 13...the FTX story is breaking now.

However, its real effects and impact on the world have yet to be felt.

Clif says this brankruptcy event is analogous to what happened in 1932 - 33 as a precursor to the Great Depression. And his analog data, in his opinion, suggests there could be a major bond crash in December ...

Future revelations as the FTX saga finds its way into the light of day is projected to unravel the covid scam, and to reveal corruption amoing politicians, the justice department, and even judges.

Best wishes

Michael Knight

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