Subject: The BIG Q..Q..Q..Question

Why is Trump Blatantly Affirming "Q"?

September 28 2022

The Question is, 

What's all this about?

If I were to try and cram everything that's happening today into one newsletter, it would be about a mile long.

Therefore I'm going to attack the elephant one bite at a time.

In this one, I have snagged some posts from Telegram where President Trump's current and regular references to Q on Truth Social are engendering some serious exciterment.

There is another view of this too - which you will see in the post by Mark Dice.

Next, I will be looking at the Nordstream pipeline sabotage, and at Russia's latest move to expose America's (read that as the "collective Deep State") funding of bioweapon labs in Ukraine.

But for now...Trump on Truth Social.

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