Subject: Still Hunting - For Truth

FINALLY - A Real Reporter - And She's Great

August 20 2021

Still Hunting - For Truth

Afghanistan Overview

Pres. Trump v Biden

COVID Jab Damage

NextGen AI

Kristi Leigh is one of a small number of ethical people who have chosen to quit their mainstream media jobs rather than be complicit in the fake news narrative.

Her interview with Lt. Col. Shaffer, who served in Afghanistan and has many years behind him in military intelligence, is excellent.

But first.....

Still Hunting - For Truth

by Michael Knight

The truth is, I am not still hunting.

I'm 76 already, and my hunting days are long gone.

However, back then, I was a great fan of what we in New Zealand called "still hunting."

As a teenager, my forays into the mountains and valleys looking for meat for the table required endless hours of walking and stalking and burrowing under a log to spend the night before getting up and doing it all over again.

Success meant blessing and thanking the deer for its life, then hoisting over 100lbs on top of my pack, and hoping I wouldn't fall flat on my face on the way out.

Sometimes I did, but a one-time hunting mate (Greg Street) said "all you do is you put your mind and the deer on the back of your truck, and go there. The body follows."

It worked.

And it has worked for many other goals in life as well - but those are other stories.

Once I reached my 30s, I had learned well enough that dusk and dawn were the most productive times of the day.

I had also mapped just a few places where I could consistently get meat for the table, provided I was prepared to get there early enough, and sit still long enough, and downwind enough that the deer would not know I was there.

Sitting still.

And waiting.

And that's what's called "still hunting."

Those memories came to mind as I was researching today's newsletter and its content.

I noted in a previous issue that I did not intend to regale you with lots of reporting about what has happened in Afghanistan. I had no doubt you were getting bits and pieces from other sources.

Meanwhile, as I said, I was "sitting still" and waiting to get some idea of the bigger picture.

Still Hunting - for the truth.

Actually, "truth" is an elusive thing, which is why I say there's always more to the story.

But to come across the following in-depth interview with Lt. Col. Shaffer was indeed worth the wait.

As one of those rare but ethical reporters who have left the fake media behind, Kristi Leigh does what a reporter should do.

She goes with the flow, allows her guest to speak his piece, and between them, they cover much about what led up to the debacle that is the retreat from Afghanistan.

PS:- I'm taking the weekend off - so to speak - in order to catch up on some video productions I have in the works, and to attend a private livestream seminar. It'll also be interesting to see what might start to transpire between August 21 and 25, which Clif High's Internet data suggests might be a period of high drama.

KLTV.Net - Col Shaffer - Afghanistan, Covid and more.

Note:- Some images contain the "play" arrow. Ignore that. Please use the links that are highlighted in bold blue.

President Trump v Biden

President Trump was quick to release a short video as part of his reaction to Biden's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Covid Jab Damage

Honestly, there must be literally thousands of politicians and bureaucrats and "journalists" around the world who are disciples of the Deep State.

This guy is not one of them.

From a new nationwide lockdown in New Zealand because ONE new case of "Delta variant" has come up, to New South Wales in Australia mandating that 24,000 teenagers MUST be vaccinated, to the continual banning of information from reputable and real scientists, we live in a world where lies and despots rule the airwaves - and the facts about the dangers (and deaths) caused by these vaccines are purged from many of the mainstream and social media outlets.

This video is disturbing - but the truth about how the jab has affected so many people around the world has to be revealed.

Neurological damage american journal

NextGen AI - With Elon Musk

Do enough research and you'll find yourself being convinced that Elon Musk could perhaps be seen as a charismatic preacher - preaching about the benefits of flying to Mars - or the disposition of hundreds of miniature satellites in space to create a 5G web around Earth.

But you might also conclude that he is just another front man for the New World Order agenda, which leans toward a Great Reset - that being a much depopulated world, in which robots do much of the work of the dear departed, and 5G technology via satellite hookups to your brain tell you what to think and feel.

(Have you noticed yet that some "conspiracy theories" become conspiracy reality?).

He might say that AI is the "greatest threat" to humanity, and that could well be true (aside from vaccines).

So on its face, he sounds like a good concerned citizen.

Then again, you may have heard the expression "two-faced," or even "speaks with forked tongue."

That's what globalists do.

I'm not saying that's what he is or does - I'm just wondering why he's developing a human-like robot to "help" you, and society at large.

"Tesla will branch out from building electric, self-driving cars to produce humanoid robots designed to “eliminate dangerous, repetitive, boring tasks” and respond to voice commands from the owner.

"Musk said that the machine will be limited to a walking speed of 8 kilometres per hour and will be deliberately weak enough that most humans will be able to overpower it if needed. “You never know,” said Musk, who had suggested earlier in his presentation that general AI was the largest threat currently facing humanity."

Source - New Scientist - Tesla Optimus Robot

The Toronto Protocols And The Great Reset

$15.00 $9.95

You are invited to purchase this short pdf booklet right now at this introductory price, and to pass on free copies to others if so inclined. 

This book length (58 pages and 12,000 words) document reveals how a meeting of the “6.6.6.” in 1967 set the groundwork for what is known today as The Great Reset.

It is fully illustrated to show how that agenda has been implemented to the point that those who would establish a New World Order have all but achieved their goals – which can only be stymied IF enough people become aware of that agenda.

It is in Portable Document Format (pdf) which requires software such as Adobe pdf Reader (or similar) to view – but more importantly, that file type has been deliberately used so that, once you have downloaded it, you can then freely pass on copies by email to others – free being the operative word. pdf files do not gather viruses or malware during transmission over the Internet by email. Further, the original remains on your computer.

It's available now as a download from my website shop

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