Subject: Something Different - History In The Making

New Format - Worldwide Content

Something Different - The Week In Review


Have you noticed how easy it is to get sucked into focusing only on the latest mainstream narrative?

While it is important to keep up with current events and breaking news, as it's called, I decided to review the past week, not just to report on Ukraine and Covid, but also to include other issues that caught my attention.

There are hundreds I have left out, but this trial format is what I came up with as a weekend edition.

What I had in mind is that this style might serve as a history lesson for future reference.

Let me know what you think, and I may continue to use this format for future weekends.


Michael Knight.

PS: Ignore the play arrows on the images. Use the short links instead.

On March 11 2022 Yahoo!News carried the headline "Russia's False Ukraine Biolab Claims Challenge Pentagon and Spark Biden Warning."

"Russia's foreign ministry doubled down Friday on a disinformation campaign falsely claiming the U.S. military was helping Ukraine develop biological weapons, despite Pentagon efforts this week to knock down the deception. "

In the first seven paragraphs the article used the following words:- Paragraph 1:- disinformation. falsely. deception. (2) web of lies. false claims. (4) disinformation. deceive. (6) disinformation. (7). (the Russians) "just flat out lie."

Well, that's how brainwashing works in the Mockingbird Media, which constantly uses lies, disinformation, deception, false claims and more lies to spin the Globalist narrative.

Doing a Presearch (the search engine I now use) for Ukraine + Biolabs this morning (March 26) shows that NPR, USA Today, Huffpost, Yahoo!News (again), ABC News, The Hill, Politifact, Poynter, The Daily Beast, Business Insider, MarketWatch, USA Today, The Daily Dot, The New York Times, Fox 10 Phoenix, The Washington Post, Fortune, NBC, Mother Jones and are all using very similar language.

Slate is in on the disinfo as well - of course - and all this despite the fact that Victoria Nuland personally told the Senate that there are Biolabs funded by the US in Ukraine.

The Mockingbird narrative also claims Russia is sustaining heavy losses, while ignoring the fact that Ukraine's Nazi Azov brigade has killed thousands of civilians in attacks on the breakaway Donbas region since a US-backed coup in 2014 - which Nuland was personally deeply involved in as well.

Tucker Carlson on Fox is about the only one saying "The Pentagon is lying about Biolabs in Ukraine."

Video Here:-

And then there's this, from the New York Post, March 26 2022.

"Various e-mails on Hunter Biden's laptop found that he assisted a California defense contractor with killer diseases and bioweapons in Ukraine.

"Russia’s assertion that President Biden’s son Hunter was “financing . . . biological laboratories in Ukraine” was based in truth, according to e-mails reviewed by The Post.

“US President Joe Biden himself is involved in the creation of bio-laboratories in Ukraine,” Russia’s State Duma speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin said, according to state media.


March 19 2022 Inflation

March 20 2022 - Space Arks - Pfizer Deaths

Dr. Michael Salla:-

ET Seeders, Space Arks & the Great Reveal

Posted: 19 Mar 2022 03:00 AM PDT

"There is compelling evidence that up to 24 extraterrestrial civilizations seeded humanity and have overseen as many as 22 long-term genetic experiments responsible for the incredible diversity in races and ethnicities found on Earth.

"The 24 ‘Seeder’ races (aka Elohim) have played significant roles in helping establish ancient civilizations such as Atlantis by sharing advanced […]


Something's going on with the sun. You might consider subscribing to

March 21 2022 Polar Heat Waves - Vax Tragedies

On March 19 the Concordia weather station in Antarctica was at -12.2C, about 40C above average, climatologist Maximiliano Herrera reported.

The heatwave has stunned scientists.

“They are opposite seasons. You don’t see the north and the south (poles) both melting at the same time,” National Snow and Ice Data Centre scientist Walt Meier told NBC News.


March 22 2022 Martin Geddes

"Genetic genocide substitutes AI bots for bombs, and persuades people to destroy themselves and their children voluntarily — “to help save grandma”.

"As Orwell said in his classic work 1984, “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”

"What kind of benevolent force could oppose this wicked kind of power, reassembling reality and healing the wounds of deliberate psychological fracturing?"

Read Full article:-

March 23 2022 Buzz From New Zealand

Fully-vaxxed Hipkins gets covid and phones in sick…

The Buzz -

"An open letter to triple-jabbed covid response minister Chris Hipkins (who’s come down with covid).

"I see this afternoon that you’ve made a cute post about feeling off-colour with Covid. Poor diddums. Did you really think you and your triple-jabbed status were going to escape the virus? Bless.


Digital passports will lead to slavery – Dr Vernon Coleman

The Buzz -

"The toxic experimental mRNA jabs aren’t just killing people. They are now leading us directly into vaccine passports which will take us into digital passports. With digital passports will come universal slavery.


March 24 2022 - "Anonymous" Goes After Mockingbirds

March 25 2022 Vax Calamity Continues

Criminal Governments - Compliant Doctors

This March 25 article from New Zealand really applies to the entire world.

Governments have signed secret agreements with Big Pharma, then deliberately banned Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as COVID treatments.

Next, they told doctors they must not use those modalities or they'd be stripped of their ability to practice.

The blunt fact is that as a result, millions of people have died, had serious adverse reactions - and many more will suffer (and die early ) in coming years.

All this in large part because millions of doctors have put their personal survival ahead of their patients.

No doubt many imagined they were doing 'the right thing' and took the jab themselves, but there are many others who just went along to get along - regardless of the consequences for their patients. - MK.


"Despite continued attempts to discredit Ivermectin as an early treatment for Covid-19,
studies continue to confirm its effectiveness.

" What happens behind the scenes is both fascinating and frightening.

"The reason for suppression of this effective treatment, and others, is that Emergency Use Authorisation of mRNA vaccines in the USA (and thus the rest of the world) could not be obtained if there were effective treatments.

"If effective treatments existed, there was no emergency and the vaccines would have to go through the full clinical trial process that exists to keep people safe.

"It is highly likely that the Pfizer contract with New Zealand states that effective treatments for Covid 19 must be suppressed by the Government and medical establishment."


It is also highly likely - or more like a fact - that there has been bribery involved, as one might conclude from this Pfizer document (image below) that was leaked to social media this past week. Note the transfer of almost $3 million by Pfizer.

March 26 2022 Memes Only

Thanks V....

Trans-itory Mercenaries

Have a great weekend - and thank you for being a subscriber.

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 It all helps in this information war because if we do not win, we will indeed be no more than modern-day serfs - which we are already seen as by those who want to impose their New World Order.

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