Subject: Rods of God and Other Goodies

Could Be A VERY interesting week

Rods of God and Other Goodies

July 9 2022


Here's a short introduction, which seems appropriate given the subject matter.

I started this day at 3 in the morning, which is not unusual.

So far it has been a very ordinary day - cruising the Internet for a while, looking at and answering incoming emails, and following suggested links on some of them.

My approach is to generally look at new information with a neutral frame of mind.

As I said to one of my correspondents (who had sent a link which we'll get to shortly) I generally take the approach of "that's interesting, now I'll just wait and see if this happens" and "be prepared. And if it's a bad-looking scenario, remember that we're going through a storm, so you'd best use your mind to imagine all the good things the world will see on the other side.

"Do NOT keep thinking how bad things are. Do not obsess over the Black Hats and all this talk about a Great Reset as if it's an inevitable future. That sort of thinking just helps create that sort of outcome."

So much for my mentoring.

My preferred approach is to use Trump's life as a real-world example of what you might call; the power of positive thinking. His rise to billionaire status, and to the presidency, wasn't an accident. He has done all that because he thinks like a winner.

In one of my books I pointed out that yes, he has put one or more of his companies into bankruptcy. At one time he was many many millions of dollars in debt, and he has written that at the time he saw a homeless guy soliciting for cash, as such people do all over the world. Trump's observation to his wife (if I recall correctly) was that "that man is richer than I am."

Technically, that was very true at the time.

But did he quit?


He thought his way through the hard times, got through the fire (a bit like walking barefoot on hot coals, I would imagine), and carried on. He had the choice between giving in to what looked like really bad circumstances, or THINKING his way and PLANNING his way to a successful outcome.

And he does that by knowing his enemies, being aware of their plans, and visualizing their plans being counteracted, perhaps little by little, but with his focus always set on the best possible future.

Naturally, you might have a different opinion about Trump, and you're entitled to that. All I'm saying is that as new and sometimes shocking, sometimes exhilarating, sometimes "hopium" news comes our way, I personally do my best to assess it objectively, while staying focused on the goal, which is at the other end of the barefoot bed of coals.

You'll have to decide for yourself which category to put these following subjects into.

All the Best - Be Happy.

Michael Knight.

SCOTUS Overturns 2020 Election Result

First, there's a video out there that says the US Supreme Court held a secret series of discussions over the 2020 election. And it has ruled that there was indeed fraud involved, and Trump should be reinstated.

However, because of concerns over what such a ruling would lead to - major riots across the country no doubt - they allowed the finding on Roe v Wade to be leaked, knowing this would result in major protests, including the targeting of Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Coney Barrett, who would then be spirited off into safe houses somewhere under the protection of the military.

The video in question says the release of that ruling could happen at any time.

NOTE:- I do not know whether that's all true or not. Nor do I know whether it's true that Chief Justice Roberts was denied military protection and has had to rely on NATO protection instead, but here's the link to the video report that says the majority voted to overturn the 2020 election result.

Trump EO Targets China Dealings

I believe this next video also requires objective assessment.

It starts with reference to an Executive Order (EO63959) President Trump penned just before the handover ritual involving all those fraudulently "elected" individuals.

Simon Clark, Charlie Ward and Guest Danielle discuss the apparently imminent activation of its purpose, which is to target individuals and companies that have invested in Chinese corporations - which in turn are using that money to build stuff for the Chinese military and aid China's intelligence apparatus.

(Side note:- Both Feinstein and Pelosi - via their husbands - have multi-million business interests in China; and Feinstein's driver of 20-odd years was a - reputed - spy for China as well).

Setting aside whatever prejudice I might have had about Parkes and Ward (Simon and Charlie) I took some quick notes.

Danielle said it would all start in five hours.

Simon was "expecting it to be Tuesday or Wednesday."

Television news channels will go down in the US - and globally?

Will then be used to advise the world what's going on.

Emergency Broadcast system to be activated.,

There will be threats of war - but nuclear war will not happen (says Simon)

China is pressuring North Korea (but Kim Jong Un is on side with Trump/America says Danielle).

There's mounting tension between Iran and Israel.

Several oil tankers in the Gulf are mined (Simon said; probably referring to the Gulf of Aden).

Project Odin/Starlink to be activated. (I know nothing about this myself. I checked for Project Odin.

and founr that "Task Force ODIN, whose name is an acronym for Observe, Detect, Identify, and Neutralize, is a United States Army aviation battalion created in August 2006 to conduct reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition (RSTA) operations to combat insurgent operators of improvised explosive devices in Iraq."

(This may have morphed into something to do with the Space Force, and the Starlink connection may be a different form of the Internet - once this one goes down?).

Space weapons - Rods of God - will be used. They are non-nuclear. They will take out the Three Gorges Dam in China, under which there is a major bioweapons lab, human experiments etc.

(Rods of God Info here:-

To crosscheck the Simon/Charlie/Danielle discussion, I searched for and found a pdf of that Executive Order.

American individuals and corporations have invested millions if not billions of dollars in Chinese companies that make up their military/industrial complex.

Plus, this money has aided China's intelligence services which, as you might have seen in one of the first Frank Lindell videos, were totally involved in hacking into the 2020 election computers right down to the county level, thereby helping to skew the vote in favor of Joe Biden - who just happens to have had his son get a multi-million-dollar contract with a Chinese company allied to those intelligence services.

This is an excerpt, slightly edited, in Trump's words as President and Commander-in-Chief (PRC is the People's Republic of China):-

"I therefore further find that the PRC’s military-industrial complex, by directly supporting the efforts of the PRC’s military, intelligence, and other security apparatuses, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat ... , to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. To protect the United States homeland and the American people,

"I hereby declare a national emergency with respect to this threat. Accordingly ... The following actions are prohibited: ... any transaction in publicly traded securities ... of any Communist Chinese military company ... by any United States person; and ... Any conspiracy formed to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited.

"...the term ‘‘person’’ means an individual or entity; ... the term ‘‘entity’’ means a government or instrumentality of such government, partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization."

These Executive Orders are written in some mind-bending legalese, but if I've been able to separate the wheat from the chaff, it looks like the Pelosis and Feinsteins and all those corporations that have skin in the Chinese Communist game (which is totally anti-American) are going to lose their shirts their skirts, and their underwear (what an ugly thought!).

My only question at this point is if FJ Biden canceled a lot of Trump's Executive Orders on his first day in the office does that make this action null and void?

OR - since FJ Biden has never been legally the true president, and IF that SCOTUS ruling is about to set the record straight, are we about to see some major global upheavals?

If so, I'm going to be thoughtfully recalling the lyrics of that song, "You can be happy, if you've a mind to."

Best wishes

Michael Knight

PS - as a reminder, my latest video about the Georgia Guidestones is now available on both BitChute and Rumble.

Guidestones And Gates' Genocide Agenda-

Not just another report about the Georgia Guidestones being blown away. Maverick artist Victor Hugo talks about the "crackhead Jesus" freaks,- meaning the anti-Christ NWO/WEF people, Gates in particular, and his evil quest to kill us by the billions as per the Guidestone rules for global governance.



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