Subject: Red Line Reactions

Federal Cops" "threatening livelihoods is not the answer"

September 9 2021

Red Line Crossed

Federal Cops Respond

Texas Will Sue

Mushroom Clouds

My first newsletter today had Clif High saying the Biden administration had crossed the red line with its demand (mandate) that millions more Americans get the COVID-19 shot - or get fired.

Many state governors have reacted strongly to Biden's dictate/mandate about vaccinating another 100 million Americans - basically by demanding millions of federal employees get the jab, and that employers must join the fray.

Apparently Post Office employees are exempt (why? why?) but federal law enforcement (cops) are not.

And this is how they have responded.

The Conservative Brief wrote:-

The Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association came out with a blistering statement against Joe Biden and his mandate.

The association is furious with Biden’

“Today, Larry Cosme, President of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) – the nation’s largest non-partisan, not-for-profit professional association representing 30,000 federal law enforcement officers and agents across 65 federal agencies – issued the following statement regarding the Biden-Harris Administration’s upcoming executive order to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for all federal employees,” it said.

“The Biden-Harris Administration’s action to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for all federal employees is misguided. Today, 75 percent of American adults have at least their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

 We are well on our way to herd immunity based on voluntary vaccination. A mandate at this time only undermines these voluntary vaccination efforts and reduces public comfort in getting vaccinated,” Cosme said.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is a rapidly evolving and emotional trying situation. In the face of so many uncertainties, our federal government should trust its employees to make their own medical decision under consultation with their doctor, not mandate by their employer,” he said.

 “Vaccination should be promoted through education and encouragement – not coercion.”

“This executive order villainizes employees for reasonable concerns and hesitancies and inserts the federal government into individual medical decisions.

People should not be made to feel uncomfortable for making a reasonable medical choice,” he said.

“As FLEOA has consistently said, we encourage our members to seek individual medical guidance and, in most cases, get vaccinated.

 However, we understand that threatening people’s livelihood and penalizing employees for making independent medical decisions is not the answer.

We will continue to review the legal landscape for this order and act as appropriate to support our members and voice their concerns,” he said.

 “We are nation built on freedom. We are law enforcement officers who defend that freedom.

And we deserve the freedom to make our own health decisions.”

The new mandates from Biden could cover as many as 100 million Americans, CNN reported.

“We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us,” Biden said, his tone hardening toward Americans who still refuse to receive a vaccine despite ample evidence of their safety and full approval of one — the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine — from the US Food and Drug Administration," Biden said in his speech.

 (This is a lie - it still only has Emergency Use Authorization-MK).

He said vaccinated America was growing “frustrated” with the 80 million people who have not received shots and are fueling the spread of the virus. And he acknowledged the new steps would not provide a quick fix.

“While America is in much better shape than it was seven months ago when I took office, I need to tell you a second fact: We’re in a tough stretch and it could last for awhile.”

“Let me be blunt,” he said in his speech. “My plan also takes on elected officials in states that are undermining you in these life-saving actions.

"Right now local school officials are trying to keep children safe in a pandemic while their governor picks a fight with them and even threatens their salaries or their jobs. 

"Talk about bullying the schools.

“If they’ll not help, if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I will use my power as president to get them out of the way,” he said.

“The Department of Education has already begun to take legal action against states undermining protection that local school officials have ordered.”

The Conservative Brief article concludes with:- This has Republicans, particularly governors, furious as, so far, 17 of them have vowed to fight the administration.


And Then This

Texas Says "See You In Court"

The article on quotes part of Biden's speech as well:-

“My plan will extend the vaccination requirements that I previously issued in the health care field.

 Already, I’ve announced we’ll be requiring vaccinations that all nursing home workers who treat patients on Medicare and Medicaid, because I have that federal authority.,” said Biden Thursday night.

“Today, in total, the vaccine requirements in my plan will affect about 100 million Americans — two-thirds of all workers.

 "And for other sectors, I issue this appeal:

"To those of you running large entertainment venues from sports arenas to concert venues to movie theaters, please require folks to get vaccinated or show a negative test as a condition of entry.,” he added.

“My message to unvaccinated Americans is this: What more is there to wait for? What more do you need to see? We’ve made vaccinations free, safe and convenient.

"The vaccine is F.D.A. approved.

(There's that lie again)

"Over 200 million Americans have gotten at least one shot.

"We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin. And your refusal has cost all of us,” concluded the Commander-in-Chief.


Deep State Update - Mushroom Clouds

I have received a number of emails saying several individuals who have poroven track records as Remote Viewers, have independently reported seeing a future event involving "mushroom clouds."

This of course brings to mind atomic bombs and warfare, and you might wonder if this is the next major event planned by the Deep State.

After all, as seen in this image (below) they have activated all but the world war scenario - and all that in just nine months!

However, keep in mind that shortly after President Trump was elected, there was a full-on incoming missile alert in Hawaii.

It was officially brushed off as an "operator error" that activated all the sirens - but those of us who dug deep enough discovered that, yes, a missile was fired toward Hawaii - but it was shot down on the way.

The consensus was that North Korea, at the time under the control of the Deep State, had launched an atomic missile with the hope on behalf of the Deep State that they could indeed start a nuclear war.

It did not happen.

Nevertheless, that gives us reason to believe that they might well try again.

And fail again.

Graphene Oxide Removal

Suggested Protocol

Graphene Oxide Removal – A Protocol


A pdf document explaining the presence of graphene oxide in Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines, its effects on the brain, and how to remove it using dietary supplements.

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