Subject: Pfizer Planning To Mutate Virus

Latest Project Veritas Video (11 mins)

January 26, 2023.

Pfizer Mutating CV19? - Project Veritas Report

A drunk fool spills the beans - this is an inside look at genocide.

The ugly truth which MUST be shared to foil the WEF/WHO Big Pharma world depopulation juggernaught.

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(Received by email as video was being edited - MK)


Movie script where "Contagion" meets "Idiocracy".

First, about this person. I don’t know who he is, some people are now trying to verify whether he works at Pfizer. Let’s assume that he does work at Pfizer for now. His title is Director of R&D Operations and Scientific Planning. Everyone should understand that this area is NOT a science area. He does not work in a lab. He pushes paper, makes powerpoints and other documents and talks to vendors. Pfizer OUTSOURCES all scientific and clinical trial work. Nobody inside Pfizer does anything related to product to avoid liability and to have contractors commit fraud on their behalf (so that the executives always have plausible deniability).

In addition this guy is not intelligent. He is drunk, but he is also clearly average IQ. This is exactly the type that Pfizer has hired in droves in the past decade or so, while getting rid of intelligent, experienced people who knew how to design and develop drugs, because they asked too many inconvenient questions and would not be easily bamboozled into implementing mass murder under the moniker of “covid response”.

Of course this guy has no morals.

He is talking about “mutating virus” or “directed evolution” and describes it in the same way Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric do in their proposals to the NIH - same terms, same experimental designs and ideas, and this same script has been in existence for decades. Do you know how I know? I have a book on bio-chemical weapons published in 1970 in the Soviet Union, and I also have one published by the NIH in 2018. They repeat the same things and concepts. Pfizer guy probably got his script from BARDA/DARPA memos. BARDA funds 50% of the pharmaceutical R&D today. It is, however, a narrative. There is no way to “mutate viruses” in a lab in the way they all imply - to artificially make them deadlier and more transmissible at the same time. This is a propaganda fairytale with a very specific goal. You should be very concerned about any person (on “their” side or “ours”) who repeats it with a serious face.

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Michael Knight began his career as an international (honest) journalist in New Zealand in 1960.

He moved to the United States in 1990, and is now a US citizen - and Patriot.

He has been researching and writing about the New World Order for 40 years.

Knight has written seven books - several now out of print, and two blocked by Amazon prior to the 2020 Presidential election.

His latest book, "Memoirs of a Misfit" is a personal recounting of his sometimes miraculous escapes from death, and mystical experiences during his first 18 years, leading up to his start as a reporter when he was 18 years old.

He expects it to be published in February 2023 - and subscribers will be notified immediately.

Draft Of Cover - Some Changes Coming.

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