Subject: One Way To Upset The Reset

You CAN help bring them down.

How Can You Help?

Aside from a few subscribers I know personally, you and I will probably never meet face to face - but I am asking you to please give this your full attention, because it's about how you can help - and, to be honest, this won't work without your help.

I have created a "book" of 12,000 words and multiple images.

It takes a whistle-blower's record of a meeting of the Cabal in 1967, and contrasts their written agenda with current events.

It explains exactly how this push for a "Great Reset" was set in motion, with the final goal being the establishment of the New World Order.

And NONE of it is a "conspiracy theory."

Now, I am asking you to help disseminate that work, by purchasing a copy for under $10, then passing on as many copies, for free, as you wish.

My sincere hope is that this will have a snowball effect – each time you pass it on, and then they too are free to pass it on, the snowball of awareness will become bigger and bigger – until this growing awareness of the truth behind current events becomes an avalanche of public awareness – and THAT will surely help bring down this house of cards.

Rather than create a paperback or an ebook version, the document is in pdf format on my website at an introductory price of only $9.95. For under $10, you can start (forgive me) start the ball rolling.

The pdf (Portable Document Format) system has many advantages. It enables the inclusion of usable hyperlinks to check sources (which is not possible with paperbacks or the ebook software I have tried), while it is also impervious to viruses and malware during download or transmission as an email attachment.

There are literally hundreds of hours of research behind this document, but it is also a tribute to a French Canadian who died of a "heart attack" when he first published the work of the "6.6.6." and the insidious plans they refined at meetings in 1967 and 1985.

Over 50 years later, now, more than ever before, those insidious plans appear to be very close to fruition.

But with your help, this rather shocking booklet will not only help you personally to see how we got here from there, but if you choose to pass it on (free and freely) it will have the beginnings of a snowball effect that will play a part in finally bringing them down.

That said, it's time for action.

Check out "The Toronto Protocols – Then and Now"

How The 6.6.6. Planned The Great Reset

By Michael Knight (and Serge Monast – R.I.P.)


Michael Knight.

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Amazon has banished my books.

I do have a few left in stock on my website, for US sales only (even sending to Canada is super-expensive).

President Trump And The New World Order Now available again on Amazon

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