Subject: One Of The Best Discussions On Current Events

Plus Net Closing on Clintons

Only two items and some memes today - but enough to keep you going for the weekend.

Unless something supercallifragelisticexpeallidosis comes up, I'll be back on Monday (watching the interview referenced below for the second time and writing my next book is enough to keep me going for the weekend as well).

Have a good one.


The Net Is Closing On The Clintons

Some of us have known for many years that the Clintons have been involved in child trafficking for decades.

They also stole billions in aid money that was meant to assist Haiti after the 2010 earthquake.

They, and those they use as proxies to steal and traffick children, use their foundations and charities for cover, while their associates disguise themselves as pastors or affiliates of some Christian denomination.

Now, with the arrest of this American pastor, James Corrigan, who could wind up in prison for 30 years, we might expect him to start singing very loudly, which (in my view) tightens the net around the Clintons.

This Interview Deserves A 10

Aside from referencing the above arrest, this discussion between David Nino Rodriguez and MelK is one of the best I have seen in terms of ground covered.

Mel is one of the most well-informed individuals when it comes to the true background to events in Ukraine.

Her information is all checkable, and factual - such as Ukraine president Zalensky being a billionaire with a $36 million mansion in Florida.

Between what she reveals and my own research, I get that Zelensky is a Khazarian Jew - which means he's not really an ethnic Jew at all. But he is most certainly one of the puppets employed by Klaus Schwab and George Soros.

She also provides a number of search ideas for us to follow, especially in regard to the ongoing and long-planned psychological operations that have been employed against Americans from before the Obama presidency.

 Between them they kept my attention for the full duration, and I will watch it again over the weekend.

Brief History Of Ukraine Corruption

Obama admin appoints Joe Biden as point man to Ukraine.

-December 2013 John Brennan's CIA funds and orchestrated Euromaiden color revolution in Kiev

- February 4th, 2014 Victoria Nuland caught on tape saying they want Arseniy Yatsenyuk as prime minister.

-February 28th, 2014 Yatsenyuk sworn in as prime minister of Ukraine. 3 weeks after Nuland requests it.

- march 2nd 2014 US begins sending Ukraine BILLIONS of our tax dollars.

-mid march 2014 Burisma hires Hunter Biden and John Kerry's son for $1 million a year. Later adds Carl's Pelosi and mitt Romney Jr

-$3.6 billion US tax dollars goes missing in PrivatBank, owned by Burisma and Tony Podesta. The brother of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton campaign manager.

-Burisma owner gets personal visa from Hillary Clinton 3 hours after money goes missing-Clinton foundation gets largest donor in history: Ukraine government.

-Biden holds 1 billion to get Victor Shokin fired for investigating Burisma, replaced with Lukeshenko.

-Ukraine panics when trump wins, helps Hillary/DNC/Alexandria Chalupa invent Trump-Russia conspiracy.

-Ukraine attorney general Lukeshenko is convicted of US voter fraud for helping Clinton.

-Lindsey graham, John McCain, and Amy Klobachar go to Ukraine do photo op.

-Zelensky receives campaign financing from open society foundation (George Soros)

-Zelensky offloads $3 billion shell corporation 2 weeks before sworn in.

-trump impeached for asking questions in Ukraine

-Zelensky shows up as #1 person in Panama Papers.

-covid shows up just in time for US election

-2020 coup of trump using same methods used in Ukraine's coup

-pallets of bricks show up in Minneapolis for rioters.

-Washington state Ukrainian truckers caught rioting with BLM.

-Rand Paul proves we funded covid bioengineering in Senate hearing.

-Russia discovers US bioweapons labs

-Biden threatens nuclear strike march 2nd 2022 in secret communication with Moscow. Russia goes to highest alert in history.

-China tells UN the USA has 26 bioweapons labs in Ukraine and it's the tip of the iceberg.

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