Subject: New vbideo - wortking on it

About Gates' and "More to the Story."

Next Video On The Way - Gates Background

Most reporters jump on an issue and give you what's up front right now.

I prefer, as an investigator, to do some solid research, which can take days.

In this case, I am preparing a video that looks back at Bill and Melinda Gates, and their Foundation, to provide what I am sure will be some very insightful revelations.

This divorce, as far as I am concerned, is strategically planned, and takes front and center in most media. first question is, what is it doing to divert attention from other issues?

I will get into that in the video .

It may take another 24 hours, but it will be the best insight you have ever had into what these people and their "foundation" are all about.

The divorce?

 That's just the peg to hang this story onto...and you will be amazed at what it reveals (at least, I was), because I have spent years filing away video clips and still images related to these people.

Be well.

More (to the story) later.

Michael Knight.

PS...taker another look at President Kennedy (below) and absorb what he has to say.

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 - again I want to express my very sincere thanks to those who have been so kind as to help me financially in recent weeks.

Amazon has banished my books.

I do have a few left in stock on my website, for US sales only (even sending to Canada is super-expensive).

President Trump And The New World Order Now available again on Amazon

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