Subject: New North Star Video


New Video - New Newsletter Style

Greetings from Michael Knight, North Star News.

You will find your newsletters to be a little different from now on. Experience has taught me to be less specific and a little more circumspect in how I communicate.

Therefore you might find some spelling "errors" and deliberate typos, but you'll get the message (and the Aye Eye S-pies won't).

For example, the main stream med-ia and Bigly Tek have, by sus-pending mye ads and shutting down my emaile akounts truly proven to be the enema ov the peeple. (Pun word intended:-)

So one must adapt and change.

That means instead of including the latest video within the newsletter, as previously, it is now best to first post the video to my website blog and simply incorporate a link in this newsletter.

This one is titled "Watters' Words - T-witter World."  

Jesse Watters gives the DNC CON-vention a tongue-lashing, then a man a woman and a child say something about what I call the "Mask Of The Beast."

Then, believe it, Pelosi says "drain the swamp" - really.

And a closing spoof.

All in 10 minutes.

More importantly, in the right column on the blog you will see a link to a previous entry.

It includes three sixes ... and is the full version of what I summarized in my book "Q@#$% and the D-ark A-gen-da" about how certain dis-ruptive plans were set in nplace long ago.

It's lengthy, but extremely informative if you want to really understand how the world we live in got to be a world we can no longer recognize.

Here is the blog link.


Michael Knight.

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