Subject: New MK Video - Save The Children From Evil

And Democracy versus a Republic

March 1, 2024.

Now available on my blog at this link.

It's about Saving The Children From Evil

And the Difference Between Democracy And A Constitutional Redpublic

Which We Are In Danger of Losing.


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In Other News

At this link on X/Twitter, Putin warns NATO that Russia has weapons that are even more advanced than nuclear - and he certainly does not appear to be bluffing when he warns them against invoking Article 5 - which calls for all the NATO states to join forces against a common foe.

Imagine if they go ahead and annoint Ukraine as a NATO member.

France's Macron appeared to be seriously floating the idea that Western countries, which would be NATO nations, plus America, should put boots on the ground in Ukraine.

As insane as that sounds, Germany's Scholz has recently stated that the UK already has troops there. The US certainly has military "advisers" in Ukraine.

And there is evidence that America's CIA - aided and abetted by treasonous politicians - actually helped Ukraine build up its army in the years after the Soros/CIA sponsored coup in 2014.

Their objective, on behalf of the Deep State/Globalists, was to eventually strike at Russia in the (delusional) expectation that Russia wouldn't see it coming, and would be something of a pushover.

As it turned out, the US, under these guys and Obama, also built and financed bioweapon labs - at least 14 of them - which Russia turned to dust with its "Special Military Operation" starting in 2022.

Ukraine has also been a longtime hub of the global child trafficking and adrenochrome harvesting trade, and Russia, in conjunction with "white hat" military guys from the US and other countries, has been shutting down that evil enterprise as well.

To top it off, Ukraine has for decades been a money laundering center - which means that the billions in "foreign aid" given from US taxpayer dollars, is never audited, so it can be shuffled through various banks and shell companies, back to US politicians who somehow become millionaires while in office.

Mind you, I have no idea how accurate the next list is - but you get the point.

Best wishes.

Michael Knight.

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