Subject: My Pen Is My Sword - SO...

Stick it to the media. An essay.

01 05 2024

My Pen Is My Sword - So

Stick It To The Media

a Michael Knight essay

No doubt you've heard that the CNN news network has frequently been referred to as the Communist News Network.

As far as I am concerned, it now has a twin - National Public Radio, aka National Propaganda Radio.

Based on what I have just heard on one of their newscasts, they fully deserve the title.

They call on "journalists" from other mainstream media, or their own so-called "experts," and spend much time doing the very thing they accuse Trump of - lying.

In today's subversive offering, on the day of the release of many big names (including Bill Clinton) as frequent visitors to Epstein's pedophile island, their litany was once again about Trump having lied about the 2020 election being rigged and stolen.

What these apologies for newsmen and -women do not do, is any meaningful research into the many instances of evidence that the election was indeed stolen. And Trump has every right in the world to say so, to question the result, and, most recently, to reference an independent report that proves that many states jiggered their ballot counts in favor of Biden.

Credit me with righteous anger - righteous because for decades I have been a reporter who was taught by my media mentors to always be as objective and accurate as possible. Those of us from the "old school" understood our role as intermediaries between Power and the Public.

Our job was to do our best to find and report the truth, or as close as we could get to it, and if that upset those in power - they brought it on themselves.

Not so with the the media of today. Be it NPR, CNN, Fox or whoever - and we could even include most of the news organizations in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and more - they seem to have all willingly toed the official line on both Ukraine, and this current debacle in the Middle East.

Apparently it's bad to be "anti-semite" but okay to be pro-genocide.

The National Propaganda Machine, today's Ministry of Truth, says not a word about the genocide Israel is committing every day.

Sure, they report over 20,000 civilians slaughtered by Israeli bombs, but rather than call it what it is - genocide on a massive scale - it's all about supporting an administration that shamelessly declares that Israel "has a right to self defense," then vetoes any UN vote on a cease fire.

Israel has enraged all its neighboring Muslim countries.

Shiite and Sunni Muslims are, for the first time in centuries, instead of warring against each other, about to join forces and deal with Israel.

It is my sincere hope that the Israeli warhawks will soon find themselves between a rock and a guillotine - or something like that; but it won't be without a great loss of life.

As for Ukraine, NPR and the legacy media don't miss a beat when it comes to slanting their reports against Russia - never once telling the underlying truth and facts.

America, in the guise of Victoria Nuland and other Deep State neocons, helped by George Soros, literally engineered the Maidan massacre in Ukraine in 2014.

Russia became aware that bioweapon labs were then established, with US funding and oversight - while money laundering and child sex trafficking became the order of the day, and eventually the actor/puppet Zelensky became an actor/puppet on the world stage. 

But there is no journalist worthy of the name in NPR who might research those facts and offer an unbiased insight into the symbiotic relationship between the US Congress (or major elements thereof) and the pedophile crooks in Ukraine who are being funded with billions of US tax dollars.

Ukraine has totally failed to stem the Russian operation, yet NPR and others will continue to pretend that the whole thing is about "protecting democracy."

We should protect "democracy" in the Nazi stronghold of Ukraine, while Biden and his fellow Deep Staters prattle on about "democracy" in America as they ignore the tsunami of incoming military-type illegals at the southern border?

Worse yet, and it doesn't get any badder than this, NPR and all the mainstream media have known for years that child trafficking is a huge issue throughout America - and they do nothing about it.

Thankfully, independent individuals have become social media journalists. Maybe they have no formal training, but they do understand the basics. Research. Analyze. Report - and do so as accurately as possible.

It will be a great day when the lame-stream media goes bankrupt - or loses their licenses because of malfeasance - and to see National Propaganda Radio suddenly deprived of any and all funding from the taxpayer pocket.

That said, your assignment for the next five minutes, should you choose to accept it, is to watch a Greg Reese report; real journalism, real facts, and real truth about those in power.

Or in this case, those who have misused power, created wars and mayhem for hundreds of years, and are now losing power - but are willing to destroy the world with yet another False Flag event.

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Michael Knight

Michael Knight - "Misfit"

 - Now Available Worldwide in Paperback and Kindle versions.

My latest book, "Memoirs of a Misfit" is a personal recounting of my several miraculous escapes from death, and mystical experiences leading up to my start as a reporter when I was 18 years old.

Memoirs of a Misfit ebook

Memoirs of a Misfit Paperback

About Michael

Michael Knight began his career as an international (honest) journalist in New Zealand in 1960.

He moved to the United States in 1990, and is now a US citizen - and Patriot.

He has been researching and writing about the New World Order for 40 years.

Knight has written seven books - several now out of print, and two blocked by Amazon prior to the 2020 Presidential election.

The one below is still available.

Available as paperback and Kindle ebook on Amazon

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