Subject: Musk Targets Twitter - Saudi Prince Rejects Offer

Obama - The Prince's Playboy-Puppet?

April 14, 2022

Musk Goes Hostile

Elon Musk's bid for Twitter is known in the business as a hostile takeover.

In an SEC filing this week, he revealed that he is willing to pay $43 billion, in cash, to take 100% ownership.

That comes out at $54.20 per share so he can take the company private.

Following is what he wrote to the chariman of the Twitter Board of Directors.

Bret Taylor

Chairman of the Board,

I invested in Twitter as I believe in its potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe, and I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy.


However, since making my investment I now realize the company will neither thrive nor serve this societal imperative in its current form. Twitter needs to be transformed as a private company.

As a result, I am offering to buy 100% of Twitter for $54.20 per share in cash, a 54% premium over the day before I began investing in Twitter and a 38% premium over the day before my investment was publicly announced.

My offer is my best and final offer and if it is not accepted, I would need to reconsider my position as a shareholder.

Twitter has extraordinary potential.  I will unlock it.

As I indicated this weekend, I believe that the company should be private to go through the changes that need to be made.

After the past several days of thinking this over, I have decided I want to acquire the company and take it private.

I am going to send you an offer letter tonight, it will be public in the morning.

1. Best and Final:

a. I am not playing the back-and-forth game.

b. I have moved straight to the end.

c. It's a high price and your shareholders will love it.

d. If the deal doesn’t work, given that I don’t have confidence in management nor do I believe I can drive the necessary change in the public market, I would need to reconsider my position as a shareholder.

i. This is not a threat, it's simply not a good investment without the changes that need to be made.

ii. And those changes won't happen without taking the company private.


2. My advisors and my team are available after you get the letter to answer any questions.

a. There will be more detail in our public filings. After you receive the letter and review the public filings, your team can call my family office with any questions.

Elon Musk

Some Reactions

Who Is Prince Alwaleed?

Payback Time

Trump Re Musk/Twitter

Letter To The Editor - Re RealRawNews

Hi Michael,

I have been on your mailing list for over a year and I like it very much.

In the most recent posting of yours you mention realrawnews.

Last July they posted an entirely false article about General Berger of the US Marines yelling (over the phone) at the Secretary of Defense (I think it was) saying he was not going to insist his soldiers take the vax etc.

General Berger said he was going to allow the choice of whether or not his soldiers should take the vax and it was criminal to do otherwise.

It so happens I have a son and daughter-in-law in the Marines.

 I contacted them with great joy and said look at this article.

They told me in no uncertain terms that General Berger would never have spoken so rudely to the Sec of Defense and the vax mandate was going through, no exceptions.

 They told me the article was total garbage.

They were right.

The vax mandate went through and about 99% of marines are jabbed.

Realrawnews has a place on their website to write to them with questions.

I sent an email to them and told them my experience with my son and his wife and asked for clarification about how they got this information because it looked to me as if they had made the story up.

 I never got a reply.

 I do not know what else they posted, and then showed up.

They seemed to be a cousin of realrawnews, they quoted that piece of fantasy about General Berger as if it was true and have been churning out garbage ever since.

They try not to exaggerate too much to keep it believable.

Both websites take an idea in the news and add their own spin to it.

So if there is a concern about what is in the vax, they take the information and blow it up much more, adding some dreaded spice to the story.

Then another realrawnews imitator has appeared that I think you should be aware of: They are following the same format as far as I can see.

You can check these websites out for yourself, if you like.

I ask at least you tread with caution, I think all three of them are fake news and their purpose is to mislead and generate false hope and then excessive fear amongst patriots. As well as totally confuse people.

I enjoy your postings,

thank you,


(Yelm, WA)

(My reply)

I think that's called a "cautionary tale," SC

Well said, and well-received.

I too have had serious doubts about all three of those sites, and your reminder is very timely.

It is something that all subscribers should be aware of. 


Michael Knight.


There is so much going on at present that it's hard to keep up.

I figure the best way to handle it, without cramming too much into one newsletter, is to deal with issues and reports one at a time for a few days.

Stay Tuned.


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