Subject: Most Comprehensive Update

X22 covers all current events

February 17, 2023

February 17, 2023

Expect a plethora of false flag events.

While that headline might at first appear to be just another piece of fearmongering, as I listened to the entire broadcast I began to understand what's going on far more clearly - to the point that by the time it was finished, I was almost feeling happy about the future.

The train wrecks are deliberate (we knew that already didn't we?).

The mass shootings are deliberate (ditto).

But the sudden use of these false flag events by the Deep State/Cabal in an almost back-to-back sequence, indicates how desperate they are to divert us from what should be making headlines.

They don't care how many perople die, and now they are truly desperate to control the narrative in the controlled media.

Therefore, these frequent false flags take the headlines, and the real stories are buried in the back pages, or not reported at all.

Things "they" don't want the public to pay attention to....

Biden and the DS blew up the Nordstream pipeline - an act of war.

House investigations into the Hunter Biden laptop.

Deep State/Biden efforts to provoke Russia into WW3.

and many others that will inevitably show the public absolute proof of the depth of corruption - and worse - such as the release of a list of those associated with Epstein, which poroves they were engaged in the worst atrocities against young girls and children..

X22 frequently refers to past Q drops that forecast today's events. One in particular came long before a recent post by President Trump in which the words, WITCH HUNT were used.

And then the words NO DEALS - which I am sure is why I feel much happier about the futrure. And I have a feeling that you might also feel that way if you listen to X22 and his very wide range of knowledge aboiut current events, and what they foreshadow; good times ahead.

That trial saw Epstein sentenced to a period of time in jail - except he was also on day-release so he could continue work from home.

And the judge made sure that any names mentioned during the trial were kep under seal - until now.

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