Subject: More Evidence of The Great Awakening -

Melbourne Demo Targets dictator Dan; Durham Indictments as well.

Song Of Freedom

Australians Have Had Enough

I made this video as something of a follow-up to the New Zealand one, which has had almost 4500 views already.

My thanks to those who repost or copy and send the urls to others.

That's how we help with the Awakening...and all it takes is a few keystrokes on your computer.

Both videos are good examples of the pushback that is finally happening worldwide.

To use an Aussie term, they're pissed off. But United. By Tens Of Thousands. Singing Freedom's Song. Melbourne is Planning Nuremberg 2.0 For Premier "Dictator Dan." Repost. Share. Email the Url. Help Redpill The World.…

Mark Your Calendar

Hitler's Flying Discs

Posted in 2019 by Jeff Rense, this short video genuinely shows a couple of flying discs that were built by Germany in the 1940s.

They were known as "foo fighters" by allied pilots who were stunned by their speed and maneuverability.

Many German military and citizens were transported to secret bases in Antarctica as the war in Europe ended - and they continued developing these craft, with assistance from aliens who had given Hitler the technology in the first place.

In 1947 America sent an expedition, including 4000 Marines, to Antarctica, ostensibly as a scientific undertaking, under the command of Admiral Byrd - the first man to have flown to the North Pole.

I have personally seen footage of the fleet being attacked by disc-shaped craft, and basically sent running - including, according to some reports, with the loss of at least one of their ships.

That footage has of course disappeared down the Big Tech memory hole, and it was years ago, before I had the software to download such things.

Recently, Dr Michael Salla has reported that those Antarctic bases have been, or are being, completely taken out as part of the war behind the scenes that is intended to rid this planet of all these evil species.

As for disc shaped craft, both the USA and China, now have such vehicles. This one, below, is from China.

In Other News

The Durham Indictments

As John Durham continues to indict individuals who were involved in the fake Russia Collusion (by Trump) dossier and anti-Trump campaign, some headlines are saying things are getting closer to Hillary Clinton herself.

Well that's as it should be, since she and her DNC co-conspirators were the ones who bought and paid for the dossier in the first place.

Justice surely moves slower than setting concrete it seems...but there's reason to be optimistic that this will all eventually see the full light of day.

Is It 2027 Already?


Quite fascinating videos. One has a vehicle computer when asked for the date, say it is in 2027.

Maybe everything is happening all at the same time - but the little bit of brain that we do use, finds it hard to believe.

Two of the following links are really icky subjects - exposing the Dark Side that is being dealt with behind the scenes.

But they are subjects which have been ignored for far too long, which is why these horrible people in high places have been able to get away with so much evil.

Musk Reveals UN Sex Ring

On Sunday, Elon Musk left UN bosses in shock when he openly revealed a vast pedophilia network run by UN officials.

Elon Musk questioned the UN over its child sex ring during a heated Twitter dispute over whether enormous sums of money can address world hunger. (He offered to sell $6 billion in stock, provided the UN would be open and transparent on how it was spent. The UN declined. -MK).

Illuminati Names Revealed

High Ranking Illuminati member, who spent 47 years in a high-ranking position with the elite secret society says that he wants to reveal everything about the secret society’s plans after it all became “too much to bear” for him.

A Stew Peters Report -

Truth can sometimes be hard to stomach. Woman says she was raped by Biden and Obama.

In The Memetime

A Rerun - Satire - Sort Of

You might want to forward this, or just watch 4 mins of semi-satire as New Zealand PM Ardern races to become super-lockdown/vaccination champ of the world.

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