Subject: Maui Fires - An Act of War

EXTREMELY Informative Roundtable

"An Act of War"

August 22, 2023 - Second Edition

I call this the Second Edition because it follows on from the earlier newsletter (reprinted below) which shows proof that the Maui fires were preplanned.

 But there is MUCH more to the story....and I thank Linda for sending me a link to the following video.

Michael Jaco, Kerry Cassidy and David Nino Rodriguez are three people I have the utmost respect for - and in this video, they go into detail about this attack - which it was - by the Deep State.

They do not mince words.

They have genuine contacts, including among former military (veterans) who now fly choppers in Hawaii...some of them have been ferrying in supplies to survivors because the "authorities" (Deep State no doubt) are literally preventing people getting in (or out) on the ground.

The shocking death toll estimate - which I unfortunately suggested in an earlier newsletter would be much higher than the official figures - is now thought to be around 3000.

That is as many as we were told died in the False Flag destruction of the Twin Towers (and it was probably far more than that).

This use of Directed Energy Weapons on select areas of Maui - the township of Lahaina in particular - can be likened to an act of war - similar to 911, and even the attack on Pearl Harbor that got America into the Second World War.

It is also known that the Space Force had super computers on Maui - but, fortunately, they knew what was coming and moved their equipment well before this attack.

My hours of research over the past two days has revealed that similar DEW attacks have occurred in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, and in Spokane County, just over the hill here in Washington.

It also became obvious that certain celebrities who have mansions on Maui were, "miraculously" unaffected by those fires.

Oprah is far from being what we might imagine her to be.

Can you imagine her being a pedophile and child trafficker?

Today I read that she had flown children from her school in Africa to Epstein Island at least 11 times on her private jet.

However, this story is not about half-humans like her.

It's about overcoming one's reluctance to admit that there really are such bad people in this world - and many who are far worse.

I for one have found that quite difficult indeed, so It's also about summoning the courage to take whatever action we can to not only alert others - even if that runs the risk of losing a friend or relationship.

It's about even more than that. It's about being prepared to stand up and say "NO" and "HELL NO!" to this next phase in this war in which we, ourselves, will once again be targeted as "they" roll out their next depopulation fake pandemic and start over with lockdowns and vaccinations.

It's about facing the fact, however reluctantly, that we DO have an implacable enemy - which means we should be just as implacable in our own resistance - and in being well prepared by assessing for ourselves what others offer in the way of information, and insights, into what to expect in the future.

This link goes to Kerry Cassidy's site, where there are other videos available as well. I for one have bookmarked her site and will be a regular visitor myself.

Be Safe. Be Prepared.


Michael Knight

First Edition Reprint - August 22, 2023.

Proof of Preplanned Fires

In his latest newsletter, Benjamin Fulford has included this image of a book published just 10 days ago - about the fires in Maui - while the survivors were still in shock.

Having written and published half a dozen books via Amazon myself, I can swear that this had to be in the Amazon system long before the first spark (or more likely, DEW) started the fire that destroyed the town of Lahaina on Maui.

In fact, after half an hour looking into "Dr Miles Stones" and his list of biographies on Amazon, it is abundantly clear (to me) that this is a total psyop - a coordinated media campaign in support of the Deep State's bogus climate change agenda.

Stones' "books" are no more than 70 pages, some as few as 54, and published in just the last three months, and yet find their way into reviews in the New York Times and the Washington Post.

I also suspect that Artifical Intelligence may have written them, with some help from a half-human, which is how I now refer to the WEFfers and their ilk.

But that does not alter the fact that the Deep State (WEF etc) will use everything in their arsenal to maim, kill and destroy - and they appear to be picking up the pace.

Fulford's full report is at this link -

And I am grateful to a subscriber whjo emailed me the image below.

Earthquakes and Fires

"Dutchsinse has a lot to say about those fires on his latest video. Don’t know if you follow him, but this video is jam packed with crazy connections- you have got to see it.

Much love, SUSAN


Yes, I have followed Dutch intermittently for some years - and this report is really quite stunning.

It explains hoiw waves of energy (at various frequencies) ripple around the planet, using the joins between tectonic plates as their pathways.

He goes in to even greater detail as to how above-ground radar, gas and oil drilling sites, and a number of other factors contribute to quakes of various magnitudes.

In this one, he makes some predictions (or speculations) about some fairly big ones to be expected in the coming weeks.

Thank you - Michael.

From August 6, 2023

These People Are Satanists

In case you missed this video - It Remains very relevant.

The real enemies of decent people are revealed in this video.

Some images may or may not be photoshopped lookalikes of Schwab and Schiff.

What do you know about Comet Pingpong and Pizzagate?

Why do celebrities say "pizza" so often?

Brad Pitt admits a pact with Satan, and we learn that celebrities (Hanks etc) use "pizza" as code for small children.

Our enemies have a Satanic agenda.

Our friends reveal the true purpose of the WHO power grab.




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Learn More About the NWO and Trump's Battle

“5.0 out of 5 stars. Short, sweet, and encouraging.”

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“I love this book about Ramtha’s prophecy and president Trump.

"It is an easy read [you can finish it in a couple of sittings], yet gives an excellent, concise overview of what the deep state is and the tactics it has used to bring us to this point in history."

Hundreds of additional reviews plus Paperback ($14.95) and Kindle ebook version ($4.95) on Amazon.

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