Subject: "Israel Will Be Last" - qdrop

2nd Declaration of Independence?

October 29, 2023

"We're Not In Kansas Any More."

Instead, We Are At War

A Second War of Independence

And It Involves The Whole World

A 2nd Declaration of Independence?

What's This About?

We'll get to that - Eventually


This is a followup to the lengthy newsletter "Are We There Yet" of 10 27 23.

It was about the "Status of the Republic" with a concise history of how the United States was infiltrated and effectively taken over by the Khazarian Mafia/Deep State et al.

The writer, using the name Ariel on X/Twitter, explained how the United States was craftily turned into a corporation by the bankers who have used their control of the world's money to control the world.

They have also used America, and the mighty US dollar - as well as the US military - to further their grasp on the global economy.

But when Trump came along, he gave them a double whammy - he threw a wrench in their wheels - upset their apple cart - and, according to Ariel, set about draining the swamp worldwide.

To be honest, if you look at the world today, it looks more like he lit a fuse on a powder keg and it has all blown up in his face!

However, this is not the time to debate all that. Suffice to say there is a school of thought dedicated to the idea that Trump, and a group of "White Hats" in the military, did some war gaming, established a plan, decided the enemy at the top of the hill (or the eye in the pyramid if you prefer) had to be taken out.

They knew it would be tough, it would cost lives, including those of innocent civilians, but it was essential to risk their own lives to root out and defeat a camouflaged enemy who had held the high ground for far too long.

They knew that by subterfuge, and probably by blackmail and bribery, the richest men in the Western world had their paid-off politicians in the US government pass a law in 1871 that changed America from being a Republic, as created by the Founding Fathers, to being a corporation.

From that time till now, like a metastasising cancer node, those so-called "elite" - and their knowing and unknowing puppets - have infiltrated every aspect of world and US banking and politics, right down to the state and county levels.

In America, to them, and their willing adherents, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were and are anathema, yet useful as window dressing to keep the ignorant masses ignorant.

What they never counted on was a slow stirring of awareness among a growing number of the ignorant; a number that has grown to an army of millions who are now aware of who and what is behind the curtain.

To use the fable of The Wizardof Oz.

Maybe The Wizard of Oz was written as nothing more than a good fairytale; a book that was extremely popular in the 1900s, followed by a film that people loved.

The saying "We're not in Kansas any more" alludes to the fact that the story starts with Dorothy and her house being blown out of Kansas by a cyclone - and so her adventures begin.

... (Encyclopedia Britannica synopsis here).

Behind The Curtain

Some people have seen "The Wizard of Oz" as an allegory - a sort of coded revelation about the true state of affairs.

Supposedly, each character represented something about people in general, while the over-all theme was intended to imply that there is a hidden locus of control.

I guess that's what prompted someone to make the above image, telling us that behind the curtain, pulling the levers of world power, are the trillionaire familes - most of whom are unknown to the world at large.

They are the ones who turned America from a Republic into a Corporation in 1871, established the privately owned Federal (not) Reserve Bank in 1913, and had the government under Woodrow Wilson introduce tax across the board as soon as he took office.

Let's face it. These days, no government makes money. They all borrow from banks owned and controlled by those families - the wizards behind the curtain.

The wizards only loan money at interest - so the government is always in debt.

How then does the government repay the loans, and the interest?

It assigns its people (subjects) as collateral.

Then, to pay the inerest, the government imposes taxes on its people.

Its people come in various flavors, or characteristics, as one can imagine in the characters in The Wizard of Oz.

The scarecrow seems to have enough common sense to get by, but he essentially has no brains - except for sawdust; the lion is mostly a coward; and the Tin Man ????

It wasn't me that came up with the idea that TIN is an acronym.

It stands for Tax Identification Number (TIN). Therefore, the Tin man represented every taxpayer, the straw man could be seen as how the elite see people in general - as hard workers but with not enough brains to figure out how they're being screwed.

And the lion? Well, in the story, he's a coward.

There's also the yellow brick road. A road made of gold bricks, each brick representing the value of a taxpayer's lifetime contribution to the fortunes of those behind the curtain.

When it comes to money, we make it, and they take it.

Until now!

Because loaning money at interest guarantees that those who borrow it will eventually be so far in debt [The US national debt is $33.63 TRILLION DOLLARS] (Source), they will never be able to pay it back.

They will go bankrupt - and the United States Corporation is exactly that - bankrupt.

And that's a very good thing.



Because of this guy.

He was able to appoint five of his own picks to the Federal Reserve board in 2020 which means, as the well-respected Jim Rickards has said, "Trump controls the Fed."

Like him or not, this billionaire does not have sawdust for brains and considering what his Deep State opponents have subjected him to for almost eight full years, he's anything but a cowardly lion.

And to those who take the Q posts seriously, he is very much on board with "The Plan" - which is to expose those behind the curtain, eliminate human trafficking, destroy the US Corporation, undo the Act of 1871, revamp the US dollar by eventually letting the Fed implode, and return the country to what the founding fathers intended.

At least, that's my understanding of the situation, but I did not understand that post by Melania Trump.

Maybe I still don't, but I've done my best to figure it out, because it seems to be saying that a new Declaration of Independence is required, under consideration, or already written.

 Between then and now, I uncovered that same Melania image and post, with a covering note by "Ariel."

Who Is Ariel? I've never met him, although I do now follow him on X/Twitter. This is his X/Twitter bio.

And These Are Some Other Posts from X/Twitter

Authorship is unknown.

We could speculate that something like this "2nd Declaration" is waiting for the right time - but it's only speculation on my part. - MK

NB: It has been impossible to confirm that the following was written by Donald Trump. MK

Multi-front War

If you've been following US politics and world events for a few years, you may have concluded that there is a real multi-front war going on between the "White Hats" and the Black Hats/Cabal.

Despite and in reality because of the years of The Jab, the persecution and prosecution of Trump, the war in Ukraine, the constant stupidies of the Biden(Obama) administration, and now the war in the Middle East, there has been a "Great Awakening."

Naturally, waking up to find you're still living in a nightmare is no fun at all. But who said Truth would always be sugar candy on a stick?

And, leaving aside the mention of the Awans, who had access to the computers of dozens of federal government politicians, why does this Q-drop from 2018 ask if Israel was involved, and that "Israel will be last"?

If you need to find past Q posts, try this link

Last Word - Ariel

And there you have it.

A lot to ponder.


Michael Knight

In Case You Missed This Video Report

In the Israel Hamas war America's National Public Radio is reporting that 24 journalists have been killed by Israel in Gaza since October 7.

This includes the entire family of an Al Jazeera News journalist who, like the others, was covering the war on the ground in Gaza.

The mainstream media - particularly those in the West reporting on the Israel Hamas war has been owned and used for decades by the NWO/WEF to control the public narrative.

The balance of this article and the associated video are now on my blog at this link

My Bitchute Channel - See All Past Videos Here.

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All the best,

Michael Knight.

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