Subject: Gen. Flynn latest interview

Doesn't believe military will get involved.

Gen. Michael Flynn Feb 23 2021 Interview

General Flynn talks about "the 2%" lording it over "the 98%," expresses his strong belief in the power of prayer, notes that the Supreme Court abrogated its responsibility to the Constitution by refusing to hear any evidence of election fraud, and (surprisingly?) says the military will not get involved.

But he exhorts patriots - real patriots who love America, regardless of political affiliation - to get involved themselves to ensure confidence in future elections.

He concludes with a six-point plan - which I hope will be taken up by the 75 million who voted for President Trump. Otherwise there may be no way to stop the shredding of the Constitution and all our rights.

  • Get your voice out there, peacefully and patriotically.

  • Organize & get involved in your city/town and in our states.

  • Run for a local position in your city.

  • Demand local and state officials take measures for election integrity.

  • Seek out Patriots and America First people. Encourage them to run for public office.

  • Be not afraid. Get involved. 


YouTube not only banished my channel and over 100 videos, but now also prohibits me from watching any YT videos at all - apparently using my IP address as the trigger to refuse me access.

They rattle on about how I have two strikes against me - and then tell me my channel has been permanently disabled (as per above image).

I mention that because in testing the above link to the Gen. Flynn interview, YT claimed the video could not be played on an "HTML5 player" (whatever that means) so access was again denied.

I am reasonably confident that the link will work for you anyway, but if you have any issues, please advise.

Alternatively, the workaround I quickly implemented was to open such links in an incognito window. It works for me. Every time.

Some people call me a smartass. :-)

Best wishes.

Michael Knight.

In Case You Missed It

17 minutes from now - if you watch this topnotch Michael Salla production - you will have a very different understanding of our history - and our future - and the role of the Trump family as Dr Salla presents it. (I met Dr Salla at a conference in 2008. His research is impeccable).

Meme Of The Day

Subscribe to my North Star Newsletter (immediate notification of new videos, and infrequent special articles).

Donation Link - again I want to express my very sincere thanks to those who have been so kind as to help me financially in recent weeks.

Amazon has banished my books.

I do have a few left in stock on my website, for US sales only (even sending to Canada is super-expensive).

President Trump And The New World Order Now available again on Amazon

Please be aware that I am nothing more than a reporter, for the most part reporting what other people say or do.

 I just happen to have a background in researching and writing about complex issues. I therefore do my best to write for "first timers" who, as I once was, want to learn more about current events. 

Especially those that involve the progressive evisceration of our personal rights, under the guise of telling us how much better off we will be if we give up our freedoms in order to get free stuff.

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