Subject: Gates and Green BS

As In Your Face As It Gets

Thanks To RiverCave

Responding to this morning's newsletter in which Gates was mentioned as now being the biggest landowner in America, "RiverCave" offered a link to a video that was released yesterday by Agenda21 New World Order Population reductionist Bill Gates.

If you are in the habit of helping others get the picture, just passing on the link would serve a useful purpose.

As to why Gates is buying land, that is well explained in the following Simon Parkes update.

Another Look Behind The Curtain

with Simon Parkes 02 18 21

This is an extraordinarily wide-ranging update, including mention of "medbeds" that will be used to help the recovery of rescued children, the fact that Bill Gates is now the biggest land owner in America (and why) as well as reference to aliens and UFOs.

You'll find the video links below the images - plus a link to the articles about the Pentagon having released information about the Roswell crash of 1947, and the back-engineering of a very strange type of metal.

Are you aware that billionaire Gates once gave a presentation to the CIA and intelligence agencies on the merits of a vaccine that could alter human behavior - especially that of trouble-makers?

Or that he believes the world is over-populated so with the right meds, this can be reduced.

Or that erven though he thinks there are too many people in the world, he has bankrolled much of the research into the latest COVID vaccines.

Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Video Links

Simon Parkes Video - Feb 18 Update (Behind the Curtain).



Anthony Bragalia UFO Explorations UFO Blog

The Sun article

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I do have a few left in stock on my website, for US sales only (even sending to Canada is super-expensive).

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Please be aware that I am nothing more than a reporter, for the most part reporting what other people say or do. I just happen to have a background in researching and writing about complex issues. I therefore do my best to write for "first timers" who, as I once was, want to learn more about current events. Especially those that involve the progressive evisceration of our personal rights, under the guise of telling us how much better off we will be if we give up our freedoms in order to get free stuff.

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