Subject: Extraordinary Martin Geddes Essays

All Free To Download Now.

Outstanding Informative Works By Martin Geddes

I was honored to have Martin Geddes (from across the pond) contribute to "our" book, Qanon And The Great Awakening.

As an Oxford-educated writer, he has studiously analyzed the Q material since the beginning, and his observations (and beautiful art photography) have attracted many thousands of "followers" on Twitter.

Now, it is my great pleasure to copy and paste an email I received from him a few minutes ago - offering the total body of his analytical work for free, right now.

You are more than welcome to pass this on to others as well.


Michael Knight

New version of free download
Open Your Mind to Change

"Absolutely essential reading for every person of conscience on the Earth"
— Robert David Steele

Ten days ago I announced a collection of ten essays that lay out the history and context of The Storm and the Great Awakening. I am in the middle of the process of turning them into a "proper" paperback and e-book. Since we are playing "information warfare" — and not "book publishing" — I am sharing the ongoing improvements with you as they become available.

The feedback on the first version was very positive. You can read the draft foreward (with the above quote) by Robert David Steele here. With the help of Shelley Allen of Ruthless Red Pen I have a considerably improved manuscript available for you to download.

To download the FREE "Open Your Mind to Change" essay collection as a Word document, click here: Open Your Mind to Change v1-2 FINAL.docx.

The vast election fraud backed by the Chinese Communist Party (and other enemies) cannot be allowed to result in a puppet government in the United States. A combination of the Insurrection Act of 1807, Executive Directive 51, Executive Order on September 12, 2018 plus the 14th Amendment mean that Job Biden has a 0% chance of becoming President.

A lot of deceived people are going to have their sense of reality shredded in the very near future as Donald Trump is formally re-elected. These ten essays are meant to assist in re-grounding them into rational empirical objectivity. In particular, they are a crash course in propaganda, psychopathic culture, and fighting evil.

We are at war, and the only thing that matters is winning it (at the least cost to humanity).

Please feel free to re-upload and share this content as you see fit — forgiveness trumps permission.

Paid content and patronage

I request that you support my citizen journalism via PayPal or SubscribeStarFree content has very non-free costs to produce and distribute.

Three 2021 art calendars are also on sale. For the more politically minded there are three Q meme calendars on sale.

Buy my art prints or subscribe to my art mailing list.

Free content

Download my ten essays on Q at for free, and share liberally!

Follow me on Twitter and enjoy my frequent free photo art.

Link to share this email via social media.

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PS - Did you miss this video about a rally in my home town where the council has passed an ordinance allowing restaurants and other businesses to stay open, despite the WA governor's lockdown diktat? (The menu at Nacho's restaurant is outstanding BTW - we ate there last night - our first restaurant meal since this farce began so many months ago).


Amazon and Patreon have destroyed my book sales and YouTube has banished me and over 100 videos, along with 14,000 subscribers who were all receiving free content.

That was fine while book sales helped cover costs, however sales have now dropped to just a few per month, and as Martin Geddes says so well, " Free content has very non-free costs to produce and distribute." MY SINCERE THANKS to those who have helped immensely with their recent donations via the following link (the first time I have done this in the past three years). ou will consider a small donation, or purchase one of these books for yourself - or as Christmas gifts.


Buy books from my website while supplies last. US sales only, with free postage.

You will also find several free downloads there, including one about Hunter Biden and his family's connections to China.
 Kindle  and paperback versions are still available on Amazon. 
 Qanon And The Dark Agenda - 


Qanon and the great awakening


President Trump And The New World Order


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