Subject: Excellent New Geddes Essay - Great Reset of Everything

Now as an illustrated pdf free to download and share

As a subscriber to Martin Geddes' newsletter, I received this essay - and could not resist turning it into a pdf with numerous graphics in support of his thesis.

Such as this truly prophetic one of President Kennedy.


My hope is that you will download the pdf from my website, and after reading it, if you feel so inclined, email others and attach a copy to your email.

Or after downloading and reading the essay, you might simply share this newsletter, because the download link does not expire, and the pdf is free for anyone to download.

Just put it in your cart, click the PayPal button (you will NOT be charged) and remember to check the ":terms and conditions" box at checkout...then you can download the article straight away.

Free pdf download link – Michael Knight’s website.

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 - again I want to express my very sincere thanks to those who have been so kind as to help me financially in recent weeks.

Amazon has banished my books.

I do have a few left in stock on my website, for US sales only (even sending to Canada is super-expensive).

President Trump And The New World Order Now available again on Amazon

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